Daily Devotions


Day 230

Psalm 62:3a "How long will you attack a man?"

Day 230 – Psalm 62

“How long will you attack a man?” Psalm 62:3a


Once again, David was under enemy attack. However, this time round, David appeared to be far more in control of his feelings.

“How long will you attack a man?
You shall be slain, all of you,
Like a leaning wall and a tottering fence.”
Psalm 62:3

1. “How long will you attack a man?”

a) David expressed awareness of this enemy attack.
b) It would appear that this was not a single attack.
c) The enemies seem to have been attacking for some time.
d) Hence the phrase “How long”.

2. “You shall be slain, all of you”

a) What was the point of all these attacks?
b) All who rose up in rebellion would be slain.
i) Justice would prevail.
ii) God would slay the wicked.

3. Description of the enemies

a) Like a leaning wall.
b) Like a tottering fence.
c) Both are not strong.
d) They will certainly fail in their attempts to attack David.

4. Reasons why they would attack David

Two reasons may be offered:-

a) To rebel against the rule of David.
b) To usurp the throne of David.