Daily Devotions


Day 296

Psalm 37:20 "But the wicked shall perish..."

Day 296 – Psalm 37

“But the wicked shall perish…” Psalm 37:20


The wicked are not to be envied. They may seem to have the upper hand in life, but their fate is unenviable!

“But the wicked shall perish;
And the enemies of the LORD;
Like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish,
Into smoke they shall vanish away.
The wicked borrows and does not repay,
But the righteous shows mercy and gives,
For those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth,
But those cursed by Him shall be cut off.”
Psalm 37:20-22

1. Identification of the wicked

a) They stand in contrast to “the righteous”.
b) They are further identified as “the enemies of the LORD”.
c) Their wickedness is manifested by their deeds.
i) They borrow in their hour of need.
ii) They do not repay even when they are able to do so.

2. The judgment of the wicked

a) They will perish.
b) Their splendor will vanish away.
c) They are cursed by the LORD.
d) They will be personally “cut off” by God.


The righteous demonstrates why they are well-regarded by God.

1. They show mercy and give to people in need (including the wicked).

2. They are wonderfully blessed by the Lord. They will not perish on the face of the earth. They are blessed by God to “inherit the earth”!