Daily Devotions


Day 113

"For You will not leave my soul in Sheol..."

Day 113 – Psalm 16

“For You will not leave my soul in Sheol…” Psalm 16:10


Psalm 16 is “golden” for another reason. There is a very strong Messianic reference. This is a truly profound reference to the Messiah.

“For You will not leave my soul in Sheol,
Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.”
Psalm 16:10

1. An obvious Messianic reference

a) This text is a reference to the Resurrection of the Messiah.
b) This text was utilized by two outstanding apostles of Christ:-
i) Peter employed this text in his maiden message (Acts 2:22-32).
ii) Paul also cited this text in his message at Antioch, Pisidia (Acts 13:35-37).
c) Both apostles argued that this psalm was a prophetic utterance concerning the Messiah whom God had raised from the dead!

2. A striking Messianic message

a) The Messiah Himself is described as speaking (Psalm 16:10).
b) The content of His hope (faith)
i) The Messiah would be put to death (Implied).
ii) But He would not remain dead (Sheol is a reference to the abode of the dead).
iii) Had He remained dead, He would see “corruption” of the body.
iv) But God would not allow that to happen to the Messiah.
v) He would raise Him from the dead.
vi) The doctrine of the Resurrection may be traced to this glorious statement.

It was left to the apostle Paul to write on the subject of the glorious ramifications of this doctrine with reference to all believers of the Risen Christ (1 Corinthians 15).