Daily Devotions


Day 223

Psalm 109:20a "Let this be the LORDâ??S reward to my accusers..."

Day 223 – Psalm 109

“Let this be the LORD’s reward to my accusers…” Psalm 109:20a


David must have been deeply affected by his enemies. The imprecatory prayer that he uttered was deeply emotional and personal. He was not vindictive when he uttered these words, but he was certainly appealing for Divine justice to be upheld.

“Let this be the LORD’s reward to my accusers,
And to those who speak evil against my person.”
Psalm 109:20

1. David’s enemies

a) They were his accusers.
i) They kept accusing him.
ii) Their attack seemed relentless.
iii) They were like the Evil One accusing the saints day and night (Revelation 12:10).
b) They were speaking evil
i) They thought nothing of accusing David without cause.
ii) Their accusations were essentially evil as they were untrue.

2. David’s plea

a) May the Lord recompense the wicked as they deserved.
b) God’s reward would be essentially “retribution”.
c) Those who practiced wickedness must be prepared for grave consequences.


Let us ponder the answers to the following common questions about imprecatory prayer.

1. Are imprecatory prayers valid?


2. Would God answer our prayers according to what we specify?

No! Answers would always be according to the perfect wisdom and will of God.

3. Would God answer our prayers if we have vengeance on our heart/mind?


Let us be deeply challenged to go deeper in our understanding of God and Divine justice.