Daily Devotions


Day 215

Psalm 109:3a "Words of hatred..."

Day 215 – Psalm 109

“Words of hatred…” Psalm 109:3a


The capacity for hatred seems to be an inherent evil lodged deep within the heart of mankind. No matter how David must have tried his best to rule Israel, there were those who hated him. The following text offers a candid look at how David viewed his enemies.

“They have also surrounded me with words of hatred,
And fought against me without a cause.
In return for my love they are my accusers,
But I give myself to prayer.
Thus they have rewarded me evil for good,
And hatred for my love.”
Psalm 109:3-5

1. The enemies

a) Surrounded David with words of hatred.
b) Fought against David without a cause.
c) They were his accusers.
d) They rewarded him with evil.
e) They showed deep hatred for David.

2. David’s claims

a) He had shown love to his accusers.
b) He had devoted himself to seeking God in prayer.


What David experienced may well reflect a theological-Messianic perspective. What David experienced was something that the Lord Jesus Christ would experience in His life.

1. He was given to prayer.

2. He showed much love to all He came across.

3. Yet for all His kind deeds of love, Jesus was hated without cause.

4. He was finally crucified by His enemies!