Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 137

Angrier and Angrier

Text: John 8: 52-53


The more the Jews heard Jesus, the angrier they got. Their rejection of Jesus and His teaching was very definite and strong.

“Then the Jews said to Him, ‘Now we know that You have a demon! Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and You say, ‘If anyone keeps My word he shall never taste death’ . Are You greater
than our father Abraham, who is dead? And the prophets are dead. Who do You make Yourself out to be?’” 

John 8:52-53

1. “Then the Jews said to Him”

a) They were going to debate with Jesus.
b) They were out to refute Him.
c) They took what Jesus said to task.

2. Resorting to insult

a) Again, they accused Jesus of having a demon.
b) But accusations are empty if they cannot be substantiated.
c) How would they be able to prove that Jesus had a demon?

3. Misunderstanding what Jesus said

a) What was this death that Jesus spoke about?
b) Was it really physical death He referred to?

4. Twisting what Jesus said

a) They took His words in a very wooden way.
b) They took Him literally.
c) They cited the death of Abraham and the prophets.

5. Taunting Jesus

a) Are You greater than Abraham and the prophets of God?
b) The Jews did not think very much of Jesus at all!

6. “Who do you make Yourself out to be”

a) They thought poorly of Jesus.
b) They had rejected Him as the Messiah who was certainly greater than Abraham and the prophets.

经文: 约翰福音8:52-53



“犹太人对他说:‘现在我们知道你是鬼附着的。亚伯拉罕死了,众先知也死了,你还说‘人若遵守我的道,就永远不尝死味’。难道你比我们的祖宗亚伯拉罕还大吗?他死了,众先知也死了。你将自己当做什么人呢? ’”


1. “犹太人对他说”

a) 他们要和耶稣辩论
b) 他们的目的是要反驳祂
c) 他们存心针对耶稣所说的话语

2. 采取侮辱手段

a) 他们再次指证耶稣是被鬼附着的
b) 不过,他们的指证若没有真凭实据也是虚空的

3. 误解耶稣所说的话

a) 耶稣所指的死亡是什么呢?
b) 祂指的真是肉体的死亡吗?

4. 扭曲耶稣所说的话

a) 他们以呆板的方式来理解祂的话语
b) 他们按照字面的意思来理解耶稣所说的话
c) 他们提及亚伯拉罕和众先知的死

5. 辱骂耶稣

a) 难道祢比亚伯拉罕和众先知还大吗?
b) 犹太人对耶稣的评价一点都不高!

6. “你将自己当做什么人呢?”

a) 他们鄙视耶稣
b) 他们拒绝耶稣为弥赛亚(弥赛亚必定比亚伯拉罕和众先知还大)