Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 127

Patience in Teaching

Text: John 8: 34


A great teacher is one who is able to exercise great patience in teaching. Jesus showed tremendous patience as He taught.

1. Patience in teaching the ignorant

a. The unlearned
b. The unschooled

2. Patience in teaching the so-called scholars

a. The scribes
b. The priests
c. The elders
d. These were well-schooled but they were spiritually blind and most difficult to teach.


Jesus had to explain what “spiritual slavery” was! The people had to recognise their spiritual enslavement!

“Jesus answered them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.’”

John 8:34

1. “Most assuredly, I say to you”

a. Jesus taught with great certainty.
b. He taught with deep conviction.
c. He also taught with definite clarity.

2. “Whoever commits sin”

a. And no one can say he is free from sin.
b. Sin has at least three elements:
i. When we fail to live up to God’s standards (laws/ commandments).
ii. When we break His commandments/ laws.
iii. When evil and darkness lurk within our hearts when we sin.

3. “A slave of sin”

a. Sin will always seek to be the master.
b. Sin will reign and cause the sinner to be its slave (Romans 6:12-23).

经文:約翰福音 8:34



1. 耐心地教导无知者

a. 没有学习过的人
b. 未受过教育的人

2. 耐心地教导所谓的学者

a. 文士
b. 祭司
c. 长老
d. 这些人都受过良好的教育,但他们在属灵里是盲目的并且最难教导。




《约翰福音 8:34》

1. “我实实在在地告诉你们”

a. 耶稣以极大的确信教导
b. 祂深信不疑地教导
c. 祂也明确地教导


a. 没有人能说他没有犯过罪
b. 罪至少有三个要素:
i. 当我们未能达到上帝的标准(法律/诫命)时
ii. 当我们违背祂的诫命/法律时
iii. 当我们犯罪时,邪恶和黑暗潜伏在我们心中


a. 罪总是寻求成为主人
b. 罪将统治并使罪人成为奴仆《罗马书 6:12-23》