Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 90

The Departure of Many Disciples

Text: John 6: 66-67


The decision made was almost predictable. The so-called Disciples decided that they would no longer be followers of the Lord Jesus.

“From that time many of His disciples went back
and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to
the twelve, ‘Do you also want to go away?’”

John 6:66-67

1. The Feeding of the Five Thousand

a) This was a remarkable miracle.
b) It could have drawn many to believe in Jesus.
c) But after this Miracle, many decided that they would not want to be the disciples of Jesus anymore.

2. The decision of the so-called disciples

a) They decided that they did not want to follow Jesus any further.
b) Their decisions were not unexpected.
c) On the human side
i) They could not get their way with Jesus.
ii) They wanted to make Him king but that did turn out as they had expected.
iii) They wanted to ask Jesus to give them bread always.
iv) They were not prepared to look at things from a spiritual and eternal standpoint.
v) They were not prepared to do their part in seeking to understand the hard sayings of Jesus.
d) On the divine side
i) They did not have faith.
ii) They were not taught by God the Father.
iii) Thus they were not given life eternal.

3. An important question raised up to the Twelve

a) Would these disciples also decide to go with the crowd?
b) Would they choose to stop following Jesus?
c) This was a decision that they had to make.
d) The option of ceasing to be the Disciples was offered to the Twelve?




“从此,他门徒中多有退去的,不再和他同行。 耶稣就对那十二个门徒说:‘你们也要去吗?’”


1. 给五千人吃饱

a) 这是个奇妙的神迹
b) 这个神迹能够吸引很多人来相信耶稣
c) 不过,在这神迹后,许多人决定他们不要再当耶稣的门徒了


a) 他们决定不再跟随耶稣了
b) 他们的决定不是意想不到的
c) 从人性的方面
i) 他们从耶稣身上得不到他们所要的
ii) 他们想要封祂为王,但事情并没有像他们所意料的
iii) 他们想要耶稣常将这粮赐给他们
iv) 他们不愿意以属灵和永恒的角度来看待事情
v) 他们不愿意尽本份了解耶稣甚难的教训
d) 从神圣的方面
i) 他们没有信心
ii) 他们没有被上帝天父教导
iii) 他们因此没有得着永生

3. 对十二门徒提的重要问题

a) 这些门徒会决定跟群众一样吗?
b) 他们会选择不再跟随耶稣吗?
c) 这是他们必须做出的决定
d) 耶稣让十二门徒选择是否要继续跟随祂