Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 83

Vital Truths

Text: John 6: 46-48


Jesus sought to impress upon the hearts of the people the importance of understanding vital truths.

“Not that anyone has seen the Father, except He who is from God; He has seen the Father.  Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life. I am the bread of life.” 

John 6:46-48

1. God the Father

a) Jesus risked mentioning the work of God the Father.
b) He knew that there would be objections.
c) Nevertheless, this truth had to be stated plainly.

2. Truths about God the Father

a) He is invisible.
b) His work is also invisible.
c) Still, it is true and it must be stated:
i) He teaches.
ii) He draws people to Jesus.
iii) He has a will that must be obeyed.

3. A wondrous claim

a) Jesus claimed that He alone had seen the Father.
b) This is consistent with His statement that He had come from heaven.
c) And that He had been specially sent by the Father.
d) And furthermore, He had the seal of God (John 6:27).

4. Vital truths that must be believed in

a) That Jesus is the bread of life.
b) That believing in Him results in being given everlasting life.

5. Of great importance

a) Everlasting life is at stake.
b) The certain hope of being raised by Jesus is dependent upon finding faith in Him.






1. 父神

a) 耶稣冒险提到父神的工作
b) 祂知道必遭到反对
c) 然而,祂还是得明确地口述这真理

2. 有关父神的真理

a) 祂是不能看见的
b) 祂的作为也是不能看见的
c) 即如此,这真理还是真实且必提出的:
i) 祂教导
ii) 祂吸引人到耶稣这里来
iii) 祂有必遵行的旨意

3. 一个美好的声言

a) 耶稣声言只有祂见过父
b) 这与祂之前提到自己从天上降下来是一致的
c) 祂是由父特别差遣来的
d) 不但如此,祂还有着父的印证《约翰福音6:27》

4. 必须相信的关键的真理

a) 耶稣是生命的粮
b) 信祂的人会得永生

5. 这是极为重要的

a) 因为这决定一个人是否会得永生
b) 因为被耶稣复活的盼望,凭靠一个人能否在耶稣里找到信心