Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 75

Seeming Interest

Text: John 6:28-29


The multitudes seemed interested to have “everlasting life”. They asked what they needed to do in order to receive this life of eternal life.

Then they said to Him,‘What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?’ Jesus answered and said to them,‘This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.’” 

John 6:28-29

1. The question of the multitudes

a. What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?
b. This question reveals much about how they had understood the offer of everlasting life.
c. The offer of eternal life is of course wonderful.
d. But what would they need to do to obtain this eternal life?
e. The multitudes thought that Jesus wanted them to labour for this eternal life.
f. They had not fully understood what Jesus meant!

2. The offer of everlasting life

a. This is a glorious gift from God.
b. What lay behind this wonderful offer?
i. God’s grace
ii. His mercy
iii. His love

3. Can man obtain everlasting life through good works?

a. The simple answer is “No!”
b. No amount of good work will suffice.

4. How may one obtain everlasting life?

a. Through believing in Jesus.
b. Through faith that Jesus is:
i. The Saviour whom God has sent.
ii. God’s seal was upon Him and thus He was empowered to perform mighty miracles.
iii. Genuine faith in the Lord Jesus will result in being given everlasting life from God

经文: 约翰福音 6:28-29




《约翰福音 6:28-29》

1. 众人的问题

a. “我们当行什么,才算做神的工呢?”
b. 这个问题显现出他们对所赐的永生的恩赐有错误的了解
c. 永生的恩賜是美好的
d. 不过,他们必须怎么做才能够得到永生呢?
e. 众人都认为耶稣要他们为得到永生而出劳力
f. 他们并没有完全地了解耶稣的真意!

2. 永生的恩赐

a. 这是上帝富有荣耀的恩赐
i. 上帝的恩典
ii. 祂的怜悯
iii. 祂的慈爱

3. 人是否能够以好的作为得到永生呢?

a. 简单的答案是 “不能的!”
b. 再多好的作为都是不足够的


a. 通过相信耶稣
b. 通过信心相信耶稣是:
i. 上帝所派遣的救主
ii. 由于祂有上帝的印证, 所以祂有展示神迹的大能。
iii. 如果一个人在主耶稣里找到真实的信心, 他就可以得到上帝所赐的永生。