Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 67

The Response of Another Disciple

Text: John 6:8-9


There was another disciple called Andrew. He must have heard the question Jesus raised to Philip. He chipped in with these words.

One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother said to Him, ‘There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?’” 

John 6:8-9

1. “Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother said to Him”

a. Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptiser (John 1:35-42).
b. His word to the Lord Jesus was similar to Philip.

2. “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish”

a. The identity of the young lad is not made known.
b. He must have offered his “lunch” to the Lord.
c. Five small barley loaves and two fish would be enough for one hungry little boy.

3. “But what are they among so many”

a. Andrew and Philip had similar thoughts.
b. It would be impossible to feed the multitudes!


Nobody likes to fail in any test! The disciples of the Lord had failed this test that they were given. But there were lessons for them to ponder over even as they failed the test.

1. The power of the Lord Jesus Christ

a. They had seen Him heal so many (Matthew 4:23-25).
b. They had seen Him calm an angry sea (Mark 4:35-41).
c. But they could not comprehend how Jesus could use Divine power to feed the multitudes!

2. The Person of the Lord Jesus Christ

a. They had followed Him as their Teacher.
b. They had believed that He was the Son of God; they had believed that He was the special Anointed One of God (The Messiah).
c. But they could not comprehend how Jesus could pray and ask God to give them a special miracle.

3. The provision of Manna in the days of Moses

God had provided for Israel in the past with bread from heaven (Exodus 16). Jesus was greater than Moses!

They did not have the necessary faith that Jesus could have miraculously feed the multitudes!

经文:约翰福音 6:8-9




《约翰福音 6:8-9》

1. “西门彼得的兄弟安得烈,对耶稣说”

a. 安得烈是施洗约翰的门徒《约翰福音 1:35-42》
b. 他对主耶稣说的话与腓力相似

2. “在这里有一个孩童,带着五个大麦饼、两条鱼”

a. 这孩童的身份不明
b. 他一定是把 “午餐” 给了主
c. 五个小大麦饼和两条鱼只足够给一个饥饿的小男孩吃

3. “只是分给这许多人还算什么呢?”

a. 安得烈和腓力有相似的想法
b. 要给众人吃饱是不可能的!



1. 主耶稣基督的大能

a. 他们看到祂医治了这么多人《马太福音 4:23-25》
b. 他们看到祂平静了狂风大浪《马可福音 4:35-41》
c. 但他们无法理解耶稣要如何利用神圣的大能来喂饱众人!


a. 他们跟随祂作为他们的夫子
b. 他们相信祂是上帝的独生子;他们相信祂是上帝的特别受膏者(弥赛亚)
c. 但他们无法理解耶稣要如何祷告并祈求上帝给他们一个特别的神迹

3. 在摩西的时候提供吗哪

上帝在过去为以色列提供了来自天上的粮食《出埃及记 16》。耶稣比摩西更伟大!
