Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 410

Teaching About The Holy Spirit

Text: John 20: 22


The Lord Jesus taught His disciples many vital spiritual truths. One of them was the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

1. He is to be understood as the Holy Spirit of God (John 14:26)

a. He would not possess a physical form.
b. He would always be “spirit-form”.
c. He would be characterized as “holy” as God is.

2. He would be their “Helper” (John 14:26a)

a. He would come alongside.
b. He would help the Disciples.

3. The Father would send Him in Christ’s name (John 14:26b)

a. He too would have a “mission” to accomplish.
b. He would stay committed to His being “sent” by God the Father.

4. The Spirit of God would bear witness of Christ (John 15:26-27)

5. He would convict the world of sin (John 16:8-11)

6. The Holy Spirit would also become their Teacher (John 14:26)


The teachings of Jesus were wonderful. However, they were at best “theoretical”. Jesus had to help them experience the reality of the Spirit of God in their life.

“And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’”

John 20:22

1. “When He had said this”

a. A reference to the Disciples being “sent”.
b. They were to seek to fulfil their mission as Jesus did.

2. “He breathed on them”

a. This was a symbolic act.
b. It represented the giving of the Holy Spirit of God to the disciples.

3. “Receive the Holy Spirit”

a. The disciples would experience the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
b. This power would help them overcome their fears and more.

经文:约翰福音 20:22



1. 祂是上帝的圣灵《约翰福音 14:26》

a. 祂没有肉体
b. 祂一直都是“灵”
c. 祂将会跟上帝一样“神圣”

2. 祂会成为他们的“保惠师”《约翰福音 14:26a》

a. 祂会在他们的身旁
b. 祂会帮助门徒

3. 天父会以基督的名差遣圣灵《约翰福音 14:26b》

a. 祂也会有必须完成的“使命”
b. 祂会忠于对父神的“差遣”

4. 上帝的圣灵会为基督作见证《约翰福音 15:26-27》

5. 祂要叫世人为罪自己责备自己《约翰福音16:8-11》

6. 圣灵也会成为他们的老师《约翰福音 14:26》




《约翰福音 20:22》

1. “说了这话”

a. 这是指门徒被“派遣”出去
b. 他们必须如同耶稣一样,完成他们的使命

2. “就向他们吹一口气”

a. 这是象征性的举动
b. 这代表将上帝的圣灵赐给门徒

3. “你们受圣灵”

a. 门徒会体验到圣灵给予他们的力量
b. 这份力量会帮助他们克服恐惧甚至更多其他的难题