Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 45

Understanding the Phrase 'The Jews'

Text: John 2:18 - 19


The phrase “The Jews” is a reference to the people who had religious authority over Israel. They were called The Sanhedrin Council. There were seventy elected or appointed leaders who formed the Council. There were various sects in Israel in the first century.

1. Priests

They looked after the Temple and all its programs and activities. The High Priest was the acknowledged head of the Sanhedrin Counsel.

2. Scribes

These were scholars of the religious traditions of the nation of Israel. Sometimes, they were also addressed as “lawyers”.

3. Pharisees

This religious sect had a large number of followers. They were committed to keeping the religious traditions of Israel.

4. Sadducees

This was another religious sect. They often stood in opposition to the Pharisees. They believed only the Scriptures written by Moses (the first five books of the Scriptures often called The Pentateuch).

5. Elders

These were community leaders. They were generally much older people who had gained the respect of the people.

6. Rabbis/ Teachers of the Law

Not all of them would be admitted to the Sanhedrin Council. These were scholars whose main role was to function as teachers of the Law! (Nicodemus was a famous teacher and he was a member of the Sanhedrin Council.)


They were of course upset with Jesus for “cleansing the temple”. They confronted Him and said,

“What sign do You show to us, since You do these things?” John 2:18

1. They were asking Jesus for “a sign”

a. A sign of His authority and power.
b. Jesus did not belong to the Sanhedrin Council.
c. On whose authority did Jesus cleanse the Temple?

2. The Jews did not query the action of Jesus itself

a. They were aware of the abuse.
b. Some of them had personal business interest in the Temple market activities.


“Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” John 2:19

1. This was an answer that the Jews did not expect or comprehend.

2. They were not satisfied with this strange and cryptic answer!

经文:约翰福音 2: 18-19

了解 “犹太人” 这个词汇

“犹太人” 这个词汇指的是以色列的宗教领袖。他们被称为 “公会”。公会里一共有七十名被选举或委任的领袖。在第一世纪时,以色列有不同的教派。

1. 祭司们


2. 文士

这些是以色列宗教的传统学者。他们有时也被称为 “律师”。

3. 法利赛人


4. 撒都该人

这是另一个宗教派。他们时常反对法利赛人。他们只相信摩西所写的经文 (圣经的首五本,也时常称为摩西五经)

5. 长老


6. 拉比/ 教法师



他们当然因为耶稣 “洁净殿” 而感到懊恼。他们质问耶稣:

“你既做这些事 ,还显什么神迹给我们看呢?” 《约翰福音 2: 18》

1. 他们要求耶稣显现 “神迹”

a. 为证明祂的权威和大能
b. 耶稣并不属于公会
c. 祂凭着谁的权利洁净殿呢?

2. 犹太人并没有质问耶稣的举动

a. 他们也知道殿被滥用
b. 他们当中有些人对殿的买卖活动有个人的商业利益


耶稣回答说:“你们拆毁这殿 ,我三日内要再建立起来。”

《约翰福音 2: 19》

1. 犹太人不了解这个答案,也意想不到

2. 他们对这神秘的答案很不满意!