Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 391

That The Scripture Might Be Fulfilled

Text: John 19: 28 - 30


From the beginning of His ministry Jesus was conscious of fulfilling the Scriptures. That consciousness was still there in His dying moments.

“After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, ‘I thirst!’ Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth. So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, ‘It is finished!’ And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” 

John 19:28-30

1. “Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scriptures might be fulfilled”

a. Jesus had to fulfil His ministry as the Messiah.
b. His teaching, healing, and all that He did was to fulfil the Scriptures (Isaiah 42, 49, 61).
c. There was another part that He must fulfil and that was suffering and dying (Isaiah 53).
d. That was now fulfilled too.

2. “I thirst”

a. Physically, Jesus was very thirsty.
b. The scourging had caused Him to lose a lot of blood.
c. He needed to quench His parched throat for what He was about to say next.

3. The sour wine was given

a. The soldiers used a sponge to soak in the wine.
b. The hyssop is a shrub and it was used to carry the sponge of sour wine to the lips of Jesus.

4. “It is finished”

a. After taking a sip of the sour wine, Jesus was able to speak again.
b. “It is finished…” This was a cry of victory.
c. It was uttered in triumph and not defeat.

5. “And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit”

a. The bowing of the head signifies His acknowledgment of God and all that He had planned.
b. A human being is made up of two parts:
i. The external and material part would die.
ii. The spirit is entrusted to God. This was what Jesus did (Psalm 31:5).

经文:约翰福音 19:28-30





1. “耶稣知道各样的事已经成了,为要使经上的话应验”

a. 耶稣要应验祂身为弥赛亚的职事
b. 祂所教导的,祂所医好的世人,祂所做的一切都是为了应验经文 《以赛亚书 42,49,61》
c. 祂也要应验受苦难和死亡的部分 《以赛亚书 53》
d. 这现在也被应验了

2. “我渴了”

a. 耶稣感到非常渴
b. 祂因被鞭打而失去了很多血
c. 祂须要先解渴,才能说接下来的几句话/h5>

3. 给予了醋

a. 兵丁用海绒蘸满了醋, 绑在牛膝草上
b. 牛膝草是一种灌木,兵丁用牛膝草把醋递到耶稣的口中

4. “成了!”

a. 耶稣喝了一口醋后,又可以说话了
b. “成了!”是胜利的欢呼
c. 是因为战胜而欢呼,而不是因被打败

5. “便低下头,将灵魂交付神了”

a. 耶稣低下头表示祂承认祂和上帝所策划的一切
b. 人是由两个部分成的:
i. 外在的,肉体的部分会死亡
ii. 将灵魂交付于上帝。这就是耶稣所做的《诗篇 31:5》