Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 328

A Declaration Of Understanding

Text: John 16: 29-30


Nobody likes to be seen as lacking in knowledge and maturity. The Disciples responded to Jesus by claiming that they had understood things very clearly.

“His disciples said to Him, ‘See, now You are speaking plainly, and using no figure of speech! Now we are sure that You know all things, and have no need that anyone should question You. By this we believe that You came forth from God.’” 

John 16:29-30

1. “His disciples said to Him”

a. In response to what He had been teaching.
b. They did not want to continue to appear immature and lacking in understanding.

2. “See, now You are speaking plainly, and using no figure of speech”

a. This was quite a declaration of faith.
b. If this statement was totally true, they would have come to a high level of faith.

3. “Now we are sure that You know all things”

a. This was a statement of deep knowledge about Jesus’ omniscience.
b. The Disciples expressed confidence that they believed Jesus was truly all-knowing.

4. “And have no need that anyone should question You”

a. The Disciples expressed a strong faith in Jesus.
b. They were aware of many who kept questioning Jesus.
c. They expressed that they were unaffected and unmoved by those who doubted Jesus.

5. “By this we believe that You came forth from God”

a. The Disciples declared that they had come to believe in Jesus fully.
b. They declared that Jesus had indeed come from God the Father.
i. They claimed deep understanding of Jesus.
ii. They also declared that they understood His mission on earth.
c. They were expressing that Jesus was indeed Divine:
i. He knew all things.
ii. He had come from the Father.
d. This declaration was factually true. The question was whether their faith would hold.

经文:约翰福音 16:29-30




《约翰福音 16:29-30》

1. “门徒说”

a. 门徒对耶稣所教的作出了反应
b. 他们不要继续显得不成熟或缺乏理解

2. “如今你是明说,并不用比喻了”

a. 这是信心的明显宣言
b. 若这句话是完全属实的,门徒们的信心已到了高层次

3. “现在我们晓得你凡事都知道”

a. 这句话表现了他们对耶稣的无所不知有很深的知识
b. 门徒们信心满满,相信耶稣确实无所不知

4. “也不用人问你”

a. 门徒们表达了对耶稣坚定的信心
b. 他们知道有很多人一直质疑耶稣
c. 他们表示自己不会因对耶稣起疑惑的人,而受影响或动摇

5. “因此我们信你是从神出来的”

a. 门徒们声明自己已完完全全地信靠了耶稣
b. 他们宣告耶稣的确来自父神
i. 他们声称对耶稣有很深的了解
ii. 他们也声称自己了解耶稣在世上的使命
c. 他们表示耶稣确实是神圣的:
i. 祂无所不知
ii. 祂来自天父
d. 他们的宣言是属实的。问题是门徒们的信心是否能坚持到底。