Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 300

Fullness Of joy

Text: John 15: 11


Some people think that the keeping of God’s commandments is very hard. Jesus’ perspective was quite different. He found great joy in abiding in His Father, His commandments and His love.

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”

John 15:11

1. “These things I have spoken to you”

a. “These things” is a reference to:
i. The previous lessons Jesus had taught.
ii. The present lessons that He was teaching them (e.g. John 12-15).
b. “I have spoken to you”
i. The lessons Jesus was teaching was of great significance.
ii. The present lessons were vital to spiritual growth.

2. “That My joy may remain in you”

a. The word “remain” is the same as the word “abide”.
b. The word that Jesus spoke must bring joy to the heart.
i. Joy in the promise of the Holy Spirit.
ii. Joy in the love that Jesus had shown them.
iii. Joy in the word given and its depth.
iv. Joy at the thought of bearing much fruit.
c. This joy was meant to abide in their hearts.
d. This joy was not meant to be a temporary thing.

3. “And that your joy may be full”

a. Fulness of joy is a special blessing from the Lord.
b. It comes from
i. Abiding in Jesus.
ii. Abiding in His word.
iii. Abiding in His love.
c. It is a joy that may be experienced.
d. This joy is God’s special way of confirming our abiding in Jesus.

经文:约翰福音 15:11




《约翰福音 15:11》

1. “这些事我已经对你们说了”

a. “这些事”指的是:
i. 耶稣曾教训过他们的
ii. 祂当下在教训他们的(如:《约翰福音12-15》)
b. “我已经对你们说了”
i. 耶稣的教训具有及重大的意义
ii. 当下的教训对属灵的成长至关重要

2. “是要叫我的喜乐存在你们心里”

a. “存在”与“常在里面”具有相同的意思
b. 耶稣所说的话语应该为门徒的心带来喜乐
i. 圣灵的应许该带来喜乐
ii. 耶稣向他们显示的爱也该使他们喜乐
iii. 上帝所赐给他们的话语及其话语的深度该使他们喜乐
iv. 想到能够多结果子也该让他们喜乐
c. 这喜乐应该常在门徒的心里面
d. 这喜乐不该是暂时性的

3. “并叫你们的喜乐可以满足”

a. “满足的喜乐”是主赐予的特别祝福
b. 它来自:
i. 常在耶稣里面
ii. 常在祂的话里面
iii. 常在祂的爱里
c. 这喜乐是能感受得到的
d. 为确认我们常在耶稣里面,上帝特别赐予了这喜乐