Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 290

A Deep-Seated Love For God The Father

Text: John 14: 31


Jesus had the most profound and deep-seated love for God His Father. He had carefully maintained this love for His Father throughout His life and ministry on earth.

“But that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, so I do. Arise, let us go from here.” 

John 14:31

1. “But that the world may know that I love the Father”

a. Jesus came to earth to do many things.
i. To teach people about God.
ii. To preach about the Kingdom of Heaven.
iii. To heal those who were ill.
iv. To cast out demons from the people who were possessed.
b. Another important thing He came to do was to show the world that He truly loved the Father.
i. He spoke of His Father lovingly.
ii. He kept in close touch with His Father in prayer.
iii. He sought always to glorify His Father.
iv. The world needed to know just how real and deep His love for His Father was.

2. “And as the Father gave Me commandment, so I do”

a. The Father directed Jesus and He obeyed.
b. The Father taught Him and thus He spoke.
c. The Father empowered Him and thus He lived and served powerfully.
d. The Father has revealed to Him that He must suffer and die and He would obey Him fully.
e. The Father would raise Him on the third day and He trusted His Father completely.
f. This was the unique and profound way in which Jesus obeyed His Father.

3. “Arise, let us go from here”

a. Jesus had a wonderful time of fellowship with His host, Lazarus, and his sisters (John 12:1-2).
b. It was in this home that Jesus was anointed for His burial.
c. Jesus went to Jerusalem where huge crowds cried out Hosanna and praised Him.
But Jesus never stayed in Jerusalem. He would go to Bethany where Lazarus lived.
d. It was most likely in this home Jesus spent many hours teaching His Disciples.
e. But it was time to go from this place. There were still things He must do before His death.

经文:约翰福音 14:31


耶稣对父上帝有着非常深厚的爱。在祂的生命和事工中, 祂一直很小心地保持对于天父的爱。


《约翰福音 14:31》

1. “但要叫世人知道我爱父”

a. 耶稣来到世上做了很多事
i. 教导人们有关上帝
ii. 宣扬有关天国的信息
iii. 医治生病的人
iv. 赶走附身人们的鬼
b. 祂要做的另外一件重要的事就是让世人看到祂的确爱祂父
i. 祂很亲切地谈论祂父
ii. 祂在祷告中与父保持亲密的关系
iii. 祂一直荣耀祂父
iv. 世人必须知道祂对祂父的爱是如此真实及深厚

2. “并且父怎样吩咐我,我就怎样行”

a. 天父吩咐耶稣,而祂也遵从
b. 天父教导祂,因此祂说话
c. 天父授权与祂,因此祂带着大能生活及事奉
d. 天父显明祂必须受难及死亡, 祂也完全地遵从
e. 天父将在第三天叫祂复活,祂也完全信靠祂父
f. 这就是耶稣遵从祂父的独特及深刻方式


a. 耶稣和家的主人拉撒路有很美好的团契《约翰福音 12:1-2》
b. 耶稣就是在拉撒路的家为祂安葬之日受膏
c. 耶稣到耶路撒冷时,许多人喊和散那称颂祂。但是耶稣从未居住在耶路撒冷。祂会去拉撒路所住的伯大尼。
d. 耶稣很可能就在这个屋子花了冗长的时间教导祂的门徒
e. 但要离开这地方的时间到了。。祂还有很多事要在祂死亡之前完成。