Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 258

Speaking with Deep Sadness

Text: John 13: 21 -22


Though Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him, He still felt deeply sad in His gentle heart.

“When Jesus had said these things, He was troubled in spirit, and testified and said, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, One of you will betray Me.’  Then the disciples looked at one another, Perplexed about whom He spoke.”

John 13:21-22

1. “When Jesus had said these things”

a. He had to forewarn His disciples
b. They must know that He had foreseen this event
c. They had to be taught that the Scripture must be fulfilled (Psalm 41:9)

2. “He was troubled in spirit”

a. This expresses how genuine Jesus was
b. He had given true friendship to Judas
c. He had cared for him as a friend
d. He had taught him many wonderful truths
e. He felt sad that Judas would turn out to be a false friend

3. “Most assuredly, I say to you, ‘One of you will betray Me’”

a. The words of Jesus were solemn truth
b. He was not making a guess
c. He was stating a truth that would be fulfilled

4. Then the disciples looked at one another, perplexed about whom He spoke

a. This was a hard truth that Jesus had spoken.
b. How could He have made this statement to the Disciples?
c. The word “betrayal” was a difficult and painful word to accept
i. To betray was to be like a traitor
ii. How could anyone betray Jesus?
iii. How could Jesus suggest that one of the Twelve could betray their Lord and Teacher?
iv. The Disciples were puzzled and upset by this remark

经文:约翰福音 13:21-22




《约翰福音 13:21-22》


a. 耶稣必须预先警惕祂的门徒
b. 他们必须知道耶稣预知这事件
c. 他们必须学习经上的话会被应验的这个教训 《诗篇 41:9》

2. “心里忧愁”

a. 这显示耶稣是多么地真诚
b. 耶稣给了犹大真挚的友谊
c. 耶稣像朋友般关心他
d. 耶稣教了他许多美好的真理
e. 祂感到悲伤因为犹大是虚假的朋友


a. 耶稣说的是严肃的真理
b. 祂不是在猜测
c. 祂说的是会被应验的真理


a. 耶稣说了一个难以理解的真理
b. 祂怎么会对门徒作出这个声明呢?
c. “卖我”指的是“背叛”。这词使人难以接受且令人痛苦。
i. “背叛”形容一个叛徒的行为
ii. 怎么可能会有人背叛耶稣呢?
iii. 耶稣怎能说十二门徒的其一会背叛他们的主和夫子呢?
iv. 门徒对这番话感到困惑和忧愁