Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 248

Jesus was Totally Unperturbed

Text: John 13: 3


Was Jesus in any way disturbed that Judas, one of His disciples would betray Him that night? Jesus, amazingly was not perturbed in any way. How was He able to remain calm and composed?

“Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God.”

John 13:3

1. “Jesus, knowing”

a. The reason why Jesus remained so calm was because of His deep knowledge.
b. With this deep knowledge came calm assurance.
c. This knowledge was not just information He had in His mind.
d. It was truth that had embedded itself in His heart as well.

2. “That the Father had given all things into His hands”

a. His Father was with Him.
b. His Father had entrusted all things into His hands.
c. There was therefore no reason to be overly upset by any turn of events.
d. He had not lost control of the situation at hand.

3. “And that He had come from God”

a. Jesus never forgot where He came from.
b. He had come from Heaven and from God His Father.
c. He had come with a clear purpose in mind.
d. He had come to bring salvation to the world.
e. He would be faithful and true to His mission.
f. He would trust His Father in every set of circumstances.

4. “And was going to God”

a. What was death but returning to Heaven and to God?
b. Why should there be sorrow at the thought of going to God?
c. There need not be undue fear and sorrow at the thought of death.
d. His heart and mind were fixed concerning the certainty of going to God.
e. In these thoughts, Jesus was able to remain calm and composed.

This is the kind of peace that God the Father can give to all who trust in Him fully.

经文:约翰福音 13:3




《约翰福音 13:3》

1. “耶稣知道”

a. 耶稣能如此冷静是因为祂渊深的知识
b. 凭着渊深的知识,祂得以平静的确据
c. 这知识不仅只是祂意念中的信息
d. 这也是嵌入了祂心中的真理

2. “父已将万有交在他手里”

a. 祂的父与祂同在
b. 祂的父将万有交托在祂手中
c. 因此,祂无需为局势的转变而感到过分不安
d. 祂对眼前的情况并没失控

3. “且知道自己是从神出来的”

a. 耶稣并没忘记祂从哪里来
b. 祂来自天国,来自上帝祂的天父那里
c. 祂带着一个明确的目的来到世间
d. 祂是为世人带来救恩而来的
e. 祂将忠诚并忠于祂的使命
f. 祂会在各种情况下信靠祂的父

4. “又要归到神那里去”

a. 死亡只不过是回到天国,归到上帝那里去
b. 归到上帝那里,为何会感悲哀呢?
c. 面临死亡时,不必过度恐惧和悲伤
d. 祂的心思意念完全倾向祂确实会归到上帝那里去
e. 在此思绪中,耶稣得以保持冷静和自若
