Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 247

A Sad Reality

Text: John 13: 2


Jesus had chosen Judas out of love too. He had offered him the same privileges as all the other disciples. But He knew, from the beginning who would betray Him (John 6:71).

“After supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray Him.”

John 13:2

1. “After supper being ended”

a. As usual Jesus ate with His disciples.
b. This was a special privilege the Disciples had.
c. But obviously, this privilege was lost on Judas.

2. “Judas Iscariot”

a. He was mentioned with the Twelve (Matthew 10:4).
b. He was counted as one of the close disciples of the Lord Jesus.
i. He travelled with the Twelve.
ii. He heard the teachings of Jesus.
iii. He had seen the miracles that Jesus had performed.
c. Jesus had given early warning that one of the disciples would betray Him (John 6:70).
i. Each disciple had been chosen.
ii. Yet one would be “a devil” (John 6:70).
d. Judas, a thief
i. On one occasion, when Mary poured out a flask of costly ointment on Jesus, he complained.
ii. He had calculated the cost of the gift of fragrant oil poured on the Lord Jesus (John 12:5).
iii. It was noted that he was a thief and had misused the funds people gave (John 12:6).

3. The final straw

a. “The devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son”
i. The devil had sown evil thoughts into the heart of Judas.
ii. These evil seeds should have been repented of.
iii. But Judas had done nothing about the evil thoughts planted by the devil.
b. “To betray Him”
i. He would prove to be an unworthy and unfaithful disciple.
ii. His heart had been hardened and he would betray his Master and Friend for money!

经文:约翰福音 13:2


耶稣也是出于爱拣选了犹大。祂给予犹大的特权如同其他门徒。但是,祂从起初就知道谁会出卖祂。《约翰福音 6:71》


《约翰福音 13:2》

1. “吃晚饭的时候”

a. 耶稣如同往常和祂的门徒一起吃饭
b. 这是门徒所拥有的特权
c. 但很明显地,犹大并没有珍惜这个特权

2. “加略人犹大”

a. 他被列为十二门徒之一《马太福音 10:4》
b. 他属于主耶稣亲近的门徒之一
i. 他在旅途中属十二门徒之一
ii. 他听了耶稣的教训
iii. 他目睹了耶稣所行的神迹
c. 耶稣曾经预先警告说其中一个门徒将会出卖祂《约翰福音 6:70》
i. 每一个门徒都是被拣选的
ii. 但是,其中一个将是“魔鬼”《约翰福音 6:70》
d. 犹大,是个贼
i. 有一次,马利亚拿了一斤极贵的膏抹在耶稣时,他提出了埋怨
ii. 这是一份爱礼,可他计算了抹在主耶稣的膏的价格《约翰福音 12:5》
iii. 经文记载了他是一个滥用人们所给予的款项的贼《约翰福音 12:6》

3. 最终的一击

a. “魔鬼已将卖耶稣的意思放在西门的儿子加略人犹大心里”
i. 魔鬼已经在犹大心里种下邪恶的想法
ii. 他应当为这些邪恶的种子而悔改
iii. 但是,犹大并没有为魔鬼所种下的邪恶想法采取任何行动
b. “卖耶稣”
i. 他证明了自己是一个不值得且不忠诚的门徒
ii. 他的心已经坚硬了,且他会为了钱而出卖他的主人及朋友!