Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 242

A Summary of the Ministry of Teaching

Text: John 12: 47


The words of Jesus were challenged by the Jews on many occasions. These detractors had obviously not understood the significance of His teaching ministry. Before Jesus finally departed from ministering to the crowds in public, He gave a summary of His ministry of teaching.

“And if anyone hears My words, and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.”

John 12:47

1. Jesus as the Living Word of God

a. Jesus was that Eternal Word who has always been in existence with God (John 1:1).
b. God made the world through the Word, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:3).
c. Jesus, the Co-Creator had come
i. Into the world… but the world did not know or acknowledge Him (John 1:10).
ii. To His own people, Israel… but His own people did not receive Him as they should (John 1:11).

2. The words of Jesus

a. Teaching necessarily involves the use of words.
b. Jesus spoke most significantly
i. With obvious authority (Matthew 7:29).
ii. Not like the scribes (Matthew 7:29).
c. His words were not plain words, but were indeed “spirit and life” (John 6:63).

3. “If anyone hears My words and does not believe”

a. There were some who heard His words and believed, like His disciples who followed Him.
b. But there were the Jews, the scribes and Pharisees.
i. They heard His words.
ii. They had tried to find fault with His teachings.
iii. They did not believe.

4. “I do not judge him”

a. Jesus was never judgmental.
b. He continued to show so much grace and understanding.

5. “For I did not come to judge the world but to save the world”

a. Jesus had demonstrated His non-judgmental spirit consistently.
b. He had come to save the world from its sinful and wicked ways.

经文:约翰福音 12: 47




《约翰福音 12:47》

1. 耶稣是上帝的活道

a. 耶稣是和上帝共存的道 《约翰福音 1:1》
b. 上帝藉着道,也就是耶稣,而造世界 《约翰福音 1:3》
c. 与上帝是共同创造者的耶稣来了
i. 祂来到世界……但是世界却不认识祂 《约翰福音 1:10》
ii. 祂来到祂的子民以色列,但他们却不接待祂 《约翰福音 1:11》

2. 耶稣的话语

a. 教导必须运用话语
b. 耶稣突出的教训
i. 明显带着祂的权柄 《马太福音 7:29》
ii. 和文士截然不同 《马太福音 7:29》
c. 耶稣所教训不是普通的话语,祂的话语充满“灵和生命”《约翰福音 6:63》

3. “若有人听见我的话不遵守”

a. 有些人听见了耶稣的话便找到信心,就如同祂的门徒们一样
b. 不过其中也有犹太人,文士和法利赛人
i. 他们听见了耶稣的话
ii. 不过,他们试图在耶稣的教训挑错
iii. 他们并不相信祂

4. “我不审判他”

a. 耶稣并没有一个“论断他人的态度”
b. 祂继续地展现恩典和谅解

5. “我来本不是要审判世界,乃是要拯救世界”

a. 耶稣一致地展现祂不 “论断他人”的精神
b. 祂来是为了要把世界从罪恶的行为拯救出来