Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 224

A Growing Circle of Influence

Text: John 12: 20-22


As the crowds slowly dispersed, and things returned to normalcy, a special group of people expressed a desire to see the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Now there were certain Greeks among those who came up to worship at the feast. Then they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, ‘Sir, we wish to see Jesus.’ Philip came and told Andrew, and in turn Andrew and Philip told Jesus.” 

John 12:20-22

1. “Certain Greeks”

a. The word “Greek” has at least two nuances.
i. It is a reference to Greek-speaking Jews.
ii. It is a reference to Gentiles who spoke Greek and not Hebrew.
b. The context determines the meaning of the use of a word.
i. It is possible that these were Greek speaking Jews who were looked down upon by Hebrew speaking Jews.
ii. It is probable that these were Gentile “God-fearers” who had embraced Judaism as their faith.
iii. That they would take the trouble to come up to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of Passover would indicate that they had embraced the Jewish faith.

2. “They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee”

a. Galilee had more Gentiles than Jerusalem had.
b. Galilee was prophetically called “Galilee of the Gentiles”.
c. They probably felt that they could approach Philip more easily.
d. The Greeks expressed their desire to see the Lord Jesus.
i. They must have heard about Jesus.
ii. They had just witnessed a tremendous triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
iii. They must have felt that they were drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Philip and Andrew

a. Philip first consulted Andrew.
b. And together they approached Jesus.
c. They communicated the request of the Greeks to see Him.

经文:约翰福音 12:20-22




《约翰福音 12:20-22》

1. “有几个希腊人”

a. “希腊人”这词有至少两个意思
i. 指的是说希腊语的犹太人
ii. 指的是说希腊语而不会说希伯来语的外邦人
b. 上下文能帮助我们了解“希腊人”这词的意思
i. 他们可能是那些说希腊语的犹太人。他们是被说希伯来语的犹太人所看轻的。
ii. 他们也有可能是“敬畏上帝”的外邦人。这些外邦人已接受犹太教为他们的信仰。
iii. 他们特意来到耶路撒冷庆祝逾越节,表示他们该已经接受了犹太信仰。

2. “他们来见加利利伯赛大的腓力”

a. 加利利的外邦人比耶路撒冷多
b. 加利利在预言里被称为“外邦人的加利利地”
c. 他们可能觉得腓力比较容易亲近
d. 希腊人表示他们渴望见耶稣
i. 他们肯定听说过有关耶稣的事
ii. 他们刚刚目睹了耶稣光荣地进入耶路撒冷
iii. 他们肯定觉得自己被主耶稣基督吸引了

3. 腓力和安得烈

a. 腓力先去告诉安得烈,与他商讨
b. 然后,安得烈与腓力一同去告诉耶稣
c. 他们告诉耶稣希腊人要求见祂