Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 198

Jesus' Kind Reply to Martha

Text: John 11: 23-24


Jesus kindly listened to Martha expressing herself candidly. He felt her pain and sorrow. He felt her sense of hopelessness and regret.

“Jesus said to her, ‘Your brother will rise again.’ Martha said to Him, ‘I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.’”

John 11:23-24

1. “Jesus said to her”

a. There was no reproach in His tone.
b. There was quiet and calm assurance.

2. “Your brother will rise again”

a. These were precious words that were meant to bring comfort.
b. But more than comfort was being extended.
c. Jesus knew what Martha secretly desired.
d. She wanted her brother to return from the dead.
e. Jesus was holding out a word of great power.
f. Did Martha understand Him?

3. “Martha said to Him”

a. Martha thought that Jesus was testing her knowledge of the doctrine of the resurrection.
b. She completely missed the point that Jesus was trying to make.

4. “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day”

a. This was a doctrine that Isaiah taught.
i. “Your dead shall live” (Isaiah 26:19)
ii. Not everyone had this knowledge or faith.
iii. The Sadducees did not believe in the doctrine of the resurrection.
b. This was also a doctrine Jesus taught.
i. “The resurrection of life” (John 5:29)
ii. God would resurrect those who had believed.
iii. Martha expressed that she had this faith in the doctrine of the resurrection.
c. But the solemn reality had to be faced.
Lazarus, her beloved brother had died and had been entombed for the past four days.

经文:约翰福音 11:23-24




《约翰福音 11:23-24》

1. “耶稣说”

a. 祂的语气并没有责备
b. 祂的语气是平静的

2. “你兄弟必然复活”

a. 这是富有安慰的宝贵话语
b. 耶稣的话传达的不单是安慰
c. 耶稣也深知马大心中的渴望
d. 她希望兄弟能够从死亡复活
e. 耶稣的话中富有强大的力量
f. 马大是否了解耶稣的话?

3. “马大说”

a. 马大以为耶稣在考验她对复活的教义的理解
b. 她误解了耶稣的话

4. “我知道在末日复活的时候,他必复活。”

a. 这是以赛亚先知所教导的教义。
i. “死人要复活” 《以赛亚书 26:19》
ii. 这不是普通人能有的智慧和信心
iii. 撒都该人也不相信复活的教义
b. 这也是耶稣的教义。
i. “复活得生”《约翰福音 5:29》
ii. 上帝会使有信的人复活
iii. 马大分享她对复活的教义的信心
c. 不过,她还是得面对悲哀的事实。她亲爱的兄弟拉撕路已死,在坟墓里已经四天了。