Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 192

The Love of Jesus

Text: John 11: 5-7


The love of Jesus for Lazarus was understood and appreciated by the two sisters, Mary and Martha. His love was never in doubt.

“Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was. Then after this He said to the disciples, ‘Let us go to Judea again.’”

John 11:5-7

1. “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus”

a. This was a love that was known to the disciples too.
b. If ever there was a favourite place in Judea that Jesus loved, it would be this family’s home in Bethany.
c. John noted the love of the Lord Jesus for this family.

2. “So, when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was”

a. John noted that Jesus had received the message from the two sisters that Lazarus was sick.
b. His response must have been puzzling to His disciples.
c. He stayed two more days where He was.
i. If we follow the context stated in John 10:40,
ii. This was beyond Jordan and thus far away from Bethany.
iii. The estimated distance was about 150 km away.
iv. He probably had a ministry that He must conclude before making the trip to Bethany.

3. “Then after this, He said to His disciples, ‘Let us go to Judea again’”

a. Jesus bore in mind what He had said to His disciples.
i. Lazarus’ sickness was not unto death.
ii. The Son of God would be glorified through this event.
iii. He waited for two more days before stating His plan to go and visit with Mary and Martha.
b. “Let us go to Judea again”
i. Bethany was in Judea.
ii. Judea was also the place where Jesus was confronted and opposed by the Jews.
iii. They had even attempted to stone Jesus on His last visit.
iv. It must have caused the disciples of Jesus to be deeply concerned.

经文:约翰福音 11: 5-7



“耶稣素来爱马大和她妹子并拉撒路。 听见拉撒路病了,就在所居之地仍住了两天。 然后对门徒说:‘我们再往犹太去吧。’”

《约翰福音 11:5–7》

1. “耶稣素来爱马大和她妹子并拉撒路”

a. 这也是门徒们所熟知的爱
b. 如果说耶稣在犹太有最喜爱的地方,那一定是在伯大尼的这个家里
c. 约翰提到主耶稣对这个家庭的爱

2. “听见拉撒路病了,就在所居之地仍住了两天”

a. 约翰提到耶稣从两姐妹得知拉撒路病了的消息
b. 祂的回答一定让门徒们感到困惑
c. 祂在所居之地仍住了两天
i. 如果我们依据 《约翰福音 10:40》 中所述为背景
ii. 这是在约旦之外,因此远离伯大尼
iii. 估计距离约150公里
iv. 在去伯大尼之前,祂可能有一个必须完成的职事

3. “然后对门徒说:‘我们再往犹太去吧。’”

a. 耶稣记住了祂对门徒所说的话
i. 拉撒路的病不至于死
ii. 通过这个事件,上帝的儿子将得到荣耀
iii. 祂等了两天才说明祂计划去探望马利亚和马大
b. “我们再往犹太去吧”
i. 伯大尼在犹太
ii. 犹太也是犹太人针对和反对耶稣的地方
iii. 他们甚至企图在耶稣上一次的探访时用石头打祂
iv. 这必定使耶稣的门徒们深感担忧