Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 109

Text: Luke 9: 34-36


1. Peter had spoken out of turn.

a. He was just coming out of his sleep.
b. He had not fully understood what had just happened.
c. He spoke without much depth of thought or wisdom.

2. God intervened

a. A cloud came over them.
b. This was like the cloud of glory that appeared in the days of Moses.
c. This was reflected in Psalm 99.

“He spoke to them in a cloudy pillar”
Psalm 99:7

d. God now spoke to Peter, James and John who entered into the cloud fearfully (Luke 9:34).

“This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!”
Luke 9:35

i. The special Sonship of the Lord Jesus was affirmed.
ii. The part of Peter, James and John was stressed.
They must pay even greater heed to the Lord Jesus as God’s Son.

3. The Transfiguration experience

a. It was now over.
i. It was a very historic moment.
ii. But the Disciples had not fully fathomed this special moment.
iii. The privilege given to them was sadly, squandered.
b. The Disciples had heard the voice of God.
i. They kept quiet and wisely so.
ii. They told no one in those days what they had seen (Luke 9:36).
iii. They would not have been able to fully explain what had happened.

经文:路加福音 9:34-36


1. 彼得说话不合时宜

a. 他刚从睡梦中醒来
b. 他并没有完全理解所刚发生的一切
c. 他并没有智慧或深度思考就说出了这番话

2. 上帝的干预

a. 有一朵云彩来遮盖他们
b. 这就像摩西时代出现的荣耀之云
c. 这反映在诗篇 99
《诗篇 99:7》
d. 上帝对彼得、约翰、雅各说这话的时候,他们进入云彩里就惧怕。《路加福音 9:34》
《路加福音 9:35》
i. 这确认了主耶稣为特殊儿子的身份
ii. 强调了彼得、约翰与雅各的职分

3. 主耶稣变形的经历

a. 一切已结束了
i. 这是历史性的时刻
ii. 但是门徒们并还没有完全理解这个特殊的时刻
iii. 可悲的是,这给予他们的特权被白白的浪费了
b. 门徒们听见了上帝的声音
i. 他们明智地保持沉默
ii. 当那些日子,门徒不提所看见的事,一样也不告诉人《路加福音 9:36》
iii. 他们将无法完全解释所发生的事情