Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 43

Text: Luke 4: 28-30


1. There was mixed reaction initially after the Lord Jesus spoke (Luke 4:22).

a. Some marvelled at His gracious words.
b. Others were not very well-impressed.
c. Still others despised Him.

2. After this teaching about the ministry of Elijah and Elisha to foreigners there was a very strong reaction. This was carefully noted:

a. “All those in the synagogue”
b. “When they heard these things”
c. “Were filled with wrath” Luke 4:28
d. These were people in a synagogue.
i. They appeared to be pious, listening to the reading of the Scriptures.
ii. They may have been listening but they were certainly not learning.

3. A Wicked Intention

a. “Out of the city”
“The Lord Jesus was thrust out of the city of Nazareth” (Luke 4:29).
i. He was not just thrust out of the synagogue.
ii. They wanted Him to be out of Nazareth completely.
b. “To the brow of the hill”
“They led Him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built” (Luke 4:29).
i. This was not built to kill people.
ii. This was built for people to leisurely enjoy the view.
c. Intention to kill
They wanted to throw the Lord Jesus down over the cliff (Luke 4:29).
i. This was an angry and murderous mob.
ii. This was not a judicial decision made by a court.
iii. There was no reason for this violent reaction at all.
iv. There was no excuse for such an evil intention against the Lord.

4. Divine Protection

a. God would of course not allow this to happen to the Lord Jesus.
b. A quiet miracle took place.
“Then passing through the midst of them, He went His way.” (Luke 4:30)
i. The angry mob could not carry out their evil intention.
ii. Could the Lord have “frozen” them?
iii. The Lord Jesus simply passed through the mob!

经文:路加福音 4:28-30


1. 主耶稣说话后,起初反应不一《路加福音 4:22》

a. 有些人对祂恩慈的话语感到惊奇
b. 其他人印象不深
c. 还有一些人鄙视祂

2. 在教导外人有关以利亚和以利沙的事工之后,有非常强烈的反应。仔细地注意到了这一点:

a. “会堂里的人”
b. “听见这话”
c. “都怒气满胸”《路加福音 4:28》
d. 这些是会堂里的人
i. 他们似乎很虔诚,听着读经。

ii. 他们可能一直在听,但他们肯定没有在学习。

3. 恶意

a. “出城”
主耶稣被赶出拿撒勒城《路加福音 4:29》
i. 祂不仅被赶出会堂

ii. 他们希望祂完全离开拿撒勒

b. “到山崖”
“他们的城造在山上。他们带他到山崖”《路加福音 4:29》
i. 这不是用来杀人
ii. 这是为了让人们悠闲地欣赏风景而建造的
c. 杀人意图
“他们想把主耶稣推下山崖”《路加福音 4:29》
i. 这是一群愤怒而凶残的暴徒
ii. 这不是法院作出的司法裁决
iii. 完全没有理由做出这种暴力反应
iv. 没有理由对上帝怀有如此恶毒的意图

4. 神圣的保护

a. 上帝当然不会允许这种事发生在主耶稣身上
b. 一个安静的奇迹发生了
“他却从他们中间直行,过去了。” 《路加福音 4:30》
i. 愤怒的暴徒无法实现他们的邪恶意图
ii. 主能“冻结”他们吗?
iii. 主耶稣只是从暴徒中经过!