Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 28

Text: Luke 3:3-6


1. Geographical Region around the Jordan (Luke 3:3)

a. John would use baptism as a symbol.
b. Water would be needed.
c. The River Jordan would be nearby.
d. Beyond was actually wilderness.

2. Preaching Ministry

a. Preaching of the need of repentance from sin (Luke 3:3).
b. Preaching the remission (forgiveness of sins).

3. Prophecy of Isaiah the prophet

a. God would send someone… “a voice”.
b. He would be preaching in the wilderness.
c. His ministry
i. To prepare the way of the LORD. John would be the forerunner.
ii. To make His paths straight. All roads to be repaired (figuratively).
iii. Mountains and hills to be levelled. Obstacles would be removed!
iv. Crooked places made straight. Difficult roads would be smoothened out (figurative language).
v. Rough ways made smooth. Many lives have experienced toughness. These would be helped!
d. The salvation of God would be seen by all (Luke 3:4-6).
i. The salvation would come from the Lord.
ii. John was to tell people ahead of time that the Messiah was coming soon.
e. John was fulfilling this prophecy from Isaiah.

经文:路加福音 3:3-6


1. 约旦河周围的地理区域《路加福音 3:3》

a. 约翰会用洗礼作为象征
b. 需要水
c. 约旦河就在附近
d. 远处实际上是旷野

2. 传道事工

a. 宣讲悔改的洗礼《路加福音 3:3》
b. 宣讲赦免(赦罪)

3. 先知以赛亚的预言

a. 上帝会派一个人……“有人声喊着”。
b. 他会在旷野传道
c. 他的事工:
i. 预备主的道。约翰会做先锋。
ii. 修直他的路。所有道路都要修好(这是个比喻)
iii. 一切山洼都要填满,大小山冈都要削平。一切的障碍物都除掉。
iv. 弯弯曲曲的地方要改为正直。困难的道路都将被抹平(这也是个比喻)
v. 高高低低的道路要改为平坦。会帮助许多在生命里经历艰难的人!
d. 凡有血气的,都要见上帝的救恩 《路加福音 3:4-6》
i. 救恩来自主
ii. 约翰要提前告诉人们弥赛亚即将到来
e. 约翰正在应验以赛亚的这个预言