Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 251

Text: Luke 21: 5-6


1. The most beautiful Temple was built and dedicated by King Solomon in 957 BC (2 Chronicles 7). The Jews regard it as the First Temple.

2. The First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. The Temple structure lasted for less than 400 years!

3. The Second Temple was built after the Jews returned after their 70 years exile.
This lasted from 516 BC to 70 AD when the Romans finally razed it to the ground.

a. The Returnees did all they could to rebuild it.
b. But it lacked the physical grandeur of the First Temple.
c. King Herod devoted much time and resources to improve the Temple.
d. The Second Temple once again drew much admiration from the Jews.


“Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, ‘These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.’”

Luke 21:5-6

1. The comments of some of the Disciples about the Temple.

a. It was adorned with beautiful stones
b. It was supported and sustained by substantial donations.
i. The rich gave substantially to support the Temple.
ii. Even the very poor gave towards the support of the Temple (Luke 21:1-4).

2. The comments of the Lord Jesus was startingly different.

a. He did not share the enthusiasm and admiration of the Disciples.
i. He had cleansed the Temple that had been misused and abuse (Luke 19:45-48).
ii. The religious leaders had been proven to be hypocritical and spiritually blind.
b. He warned of the destruction of the Temple in days to come.
i. This was startling news
ii. The last time such words were uttered were spoken by Jeremiah the prophet (Jeremiah 7, 26).

经文:路加福音 21:5-6


1. 所罗门王在公元前957年建立及奉献了最漂亮的圣殿《历代志下7》。犹太人称这圣殿为第一个圣殿。

2. 第一个圣殿在公元前586年被巴比伦人毁坏。圣殿持续不到400年!

3. 第二个圣殿是在犹太人流放70年后返回建造的。这圣殿从公元前516年持续至公元70年,最终被罗马人烧毁。

a. 归国者尽所能来重建圣殿

b. 但这圣殿还是没有第一个圣殿来的宏伟壮丽

c. 希律王花了很多时间和精力改善圣殿

d. 第二个圣殿又得到犹太人的钦佩



《路加福音 21:5-6》

1. 一些门徒对圣殿的评论

a. 用美石妆饰的

b. 用供物维持的

i. 财主大量捐献来支持圣殿

ii. 连穷人也奉献来支持圣殿《路加福音 21:1-4》

2. 主耶稣的评论却截然不同

a. 祂没有门徒拥有的热情和钦佩

i. 祂洁净了被滥用的圣殿《路加福音 19:45-48》

ii. 宗教领袖都被证明是虚伪及在心灵上盲目的人

b. 祂警告了圣殿将在近日被毁

i. 这令人惊讶

ii. 上一次说类似的话的是先知耶利米《耶利米书 7,26》