Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 131

Text: Luke 10: 29-37


1. The lawyer, not to be outdone, raised a question.

“And who is my neighbour?”

Luke 10:29

a. This was a thorny question for the Jews.
b. Their definition of the word “neighbour” was a very restrictive one.

2. The Lord Jesus gave the Parable of the Good Samaritan in response.

a. A traveller was waylaid in his journey from Jerusalem to Jericho.
i. He was robbed.
ii. He was also wounded and left to die (Luke 10:30).
b. Two travellers, passing by, noted the plight of the wounded man.
i. A priest (Luke 10:31)
ii. A Levite (Luke 10:32)
Both gave no assistance!
c. A Samaritan came along.
i. He felt compassion (Luke 10:33).
ii. He tended to the wounded man (Luke 10:34a).
iii. He lifted him on his donkey and brought him to an inn to be cared for (Luke 10:34b).
iv. He paid the innkeeper and promised to reimburse him if there were additional bills (Luke 10:35).

3. The question posed by the Lord Jesus to the lawyer.

“So which of these three do you think was neighbour to him who fell among the thieves?”

Luke 10:36

a. Who was the neighbour?
b. The lawyer had to come up with the right answer.

4. The lawyer’s reply.

“And he said, ‘He who showed mercy on him.’”

Luke 10:37a

a. That was the logical answer.
b. It was the correct answer.

5. The Lord’s word of exhortation.

“Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’”

Luke 10:37b

a. One may have expert knowledge of the law of God.
b. The question is whether this knowledge is practised in life.
i. The priest was supposed to be a servant of God.
ii. The Levite served in the Temple.
iii. Both had deep knowledge of the law of God.
iv. But there was no love for a neighbour in dire need!
c. The challenge is to truly practise:
i. A deep love for God.
ii. Evidenced in ministering to those who are in need!

经文:路加福音 10:29-37


1. 律法师不甘示弱,提出一个问题



a. 这对犹太人来说是一个棘手的问题
b. 他们对“邻舍”的定义非常严格

2. 主耶稣用好撒马利亚人的比喻来回答

a. 一个人从耶路撒冷下耶利哥时遇到了强盗
i. 他被抢劫
ii. 他也被打个半死《路加福音10:30》
b. 有两个旅客路过时,看见了受伤的人在困境中
i. 一个祭司《路加福音 10:31》
ii. 一个利未人《路加福音 10:32》
c. 一个撒马利亚人来到那里
i. 他动了慈心《路加福音 10:33》
ii. 他照料那个受伤的人《路加福音 10:34a》
iii. 他扶他骑上自己的牲口,带他到店里去照应他《路加福音 10:34b》
iv. 他付了店主的钱,还答应他若有额外的账单,他会回来还他《路加福音 10:35》

3. 主耶稣问律法师的问题


《路加福音 10:36》

a. 谁是邻舍?
b. 律法师必须正确回答

4. 律法师的回答


《路加福音 10:37a》

a. 这是合理的答案
b. 这是正确的答案

5. 主耶稣的劝勉


《路加福音 10:37b》

a. 一个人可以对上帝的律法有着很深奥的知识
b. 问题在于这些知识是否能在生活中实践
i. 祭司本来应该是上帝的仆人
ii. 利未人在殿里事奉
iii. 两个人都对上帝的律法有深厚的知识
iv. 但是他们对一个急需帮助的邻舍却没有爱心!
c. 挑战在于真正地实践
i. 对上帝深厚的爱
ii. 这爱可以从一个人服侍有需要的人而看出!