Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 130

Text: Luke 10: 25-28


1. The Lord Jesus had been preaching to Israel about God.

a. In different regions:
i. In Galilee
ii. In Judea
iii. In Samaria
b. To different groups of people:
i. To multitudes.
ii. To all who came to the synagogues.
iii. To those who came to the Temple in Jerusalem.
c. To those who became Disciples:
i. The Seventy
ii. The Twelve

2. The Themes He preached on.

a. The Kingdom of God.
b. Becoming children of God.
c. Repentance from sin was emphasised.

3. The matter of Eternal Life.

a. A lawyer
i. He was a scholar of the Jewish Law.
ii. The word “lawyer” is not the same word in use in modern days.
b. He saw himself as a skilled teacher of the Law.
c. He tested the knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
d. He raised a question.

“Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”

Luke 10:25

i. He believes that he knows the answer already.
ii. He wanted the Lord to give His opinion on this subject.

4. The Lord Jesus was gracious and kind.

a. He answered with a question.

“What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?”

Luke 10:26

b. The Lord made reference to the Law of Moses.

5. The reply came swiftly.

“So he answered and said, ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbour as yourself.’”

Luke 10:27

a. The key was the word “Love”.
There must be a genuine and deep love for God.
i. With all the heart.
ii. With all the soul.
iii. With all the strength.
iv. With all the mind.
c. There must also be Love for one’s neighbour.

6. The reply of the Lord Jesus.

“And He said to him, ‘You have answered rightly; do this and you will live.’”

Luke 10:28

a. He commended him for answering well.
b. If he practised all that he had said, he would indeed live.
c. But could he really live up to what he had expressed?

经文:路加福音 10:25-28


1. 主耶稣向来都对以色列传扬关于上帝的真理

a. 在不同的地区:
i. 在加利利
ii. 在犹太
iii. 在撒马利亚
b. 对不同的群体:
i. 众人
ii. 前来会堂的人们
iii. 前去耶路撒冷的圣殿的人们
c. 成为门徒的人们:
i. 七十门徒
ii. 十二门徒

2. 祂所正道的主题

a. 上帝的国
b. 成为上帝的子民
c. 祂反复强调从罪孽中悔改

3. 得到永生

a. 一位律法师
i. 他是犹太法律的学者
ii. “律法师”和我们现代的律师有所不同
b. 他将自己视为熟悉律法的老师
c. 他试探主耶稣对律法的知识
d. 他向主耶稣问道


《路加福音 10:25》

i. 他相信他心中已有正确的答案
ii. 他希望主能够对这个课题给予祂的看法

4. 主耶稣有着恩典和慈爱

a. 祂以反问的方式回答问题


《路加福音 10:26》

b. 主引用了摩西的律法

5. 律法者迅速地回复


《路加福音 10:27》

a. 关键在于“爱”
i. 尽心
ii. 尽性
iii. 尽力
iv. 尽意
b. 我们也必须爱邻舍如同自己

6. 主耶稣的回复


《路加福音 10:28》

a. 他称赞律法者正确的答复
b. 若他实践自己所说的,他必得永生
c. 然而,他是否能够真正地在生命里体现自己所说的呢?