Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 128

Text: Luke 10: 21-22


1. The Joy of the 70

a. They expressed joy as they reported to the Lord Jesus (Luke 10:17).
Their joy was located in the fact that demons were subjected to them in the name of the Lord.
b. This viewpoint had to be corrected.
c. Their joy ought to be located in their salvation. Their names were written in the book of life in heaven (Luke 10:20).

2. The Joy of the Lord Jesus

a. Did the Lord Jesus feel Joy? Yes!
b. His Joy was in the Spirit (Luke 10:21).
c. His Joy was much deeper.

3. A Prayer of Joy

a. It was a Joy that expressed itself in thanksgiving prayer.
b. It was a Joy that was deep and very personal between Father and Son.

4. The Prayer of the Lord Jesus

“I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight. All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.”

Luke 10:21-22

a. Addressing God:
i. As Father.
ii. As the Lord of heaven and earth.
b. Appreciating the profound wisdom of God:
i. How God had hidden things from the so-called wise and prudent.
ii. The learned scribes and elders of the nation knew much less than these humble Disciples of the Lord Jesus.
iii. The Disciples were considered “babes” in comparison to the learned scholars of the nation.
iv. This plan was deemed “good” in the Father’s sight.

5. Thinking aloud

“All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.”

Luke 10:22

a. This was also part of the prayer.
b. But it was not a petition of any kind.
c. The Lord was “thinking aloud” as He spoke to His Father in confidential tones.
i. The Father had delivered all things to the Son.
ii. No one fully understood the Son except the Father.
iii. No one would fully understand the Father unless the Son reveals Him.

6. The Sending out of the 70

a. This may have seemed premature to some.
i. They were not part of The Twelve.
ii. They were “babes” in faith. Yet they were highly successful in Ministry.
b. It was the Son’s decision to send out the 70.
i. The Father had, of course, approved.
ii. He had blessed the Mission with huge success.
c. This was cause for Joy in the Spirit!

经文:路加福音 10:21-22


1. 七十位门徒的喜乐

a. 门徒们向主耶稣回报的时候,充满了喜乐《路加福音 10:17》 他们欢喜的原因在于鬼因主的名而服了他们
b. 这个观点必须被纠正
c. 他们的喜乐应该来自他们得到的救赎,以及他们的名记录在天上 《路加福音 10:20》

2. 主耶稣的欢喜

a. 主耶稣是否感受到欢喜?是,祂感受到欢喜!
b. 祂的欢乐是在圣灵里《路加福音 10:21》
c. 祂有着更深切的欢喜

3. 发自欢喜的祷告

a. 通过感恩的祷告而展现这份欢喜
b. 这份父与子之间的欢乐是如此深切及个人

4. 主耶稣的祷告

“父啊,天地的主,我感谢你!因为你将这些事向聪明通达人就藏起来,向婴孩就显出来。父啊,是的,因为你的美意本是如此。 一切所有的,都是我父交付我的。除了父,没有人知道子是谁;除了子和子所愿意指示的,没有人知道父是谁。”

《路加福音 10:21-22》

a. 对上帝的称呼:
i. 为父
ii. 为天地的主
b. 体会上帝深奥的智慧
i. 上帝如何将这些事向聪明通达人藏起来
ii. 文士和国里的众长老与主耶稣谦卑的门徒们相比,知识微博多了
iii. 与国内其他学者相比,门徒们被视为“婴孩”
iv. 不过,这本是上帝的“美意”

5. 思维显现


《路加福音 10:22》

a. 这也是祷告的一部分
b. 但耶稣并不是在请愿

c. 当主以信任的口吻与祂的父说话时,祂把“思维显现”了
i. 父将一切事物交付于祂的子
ii. 唯独父完全知道子是谁
iii. 除非子愿意指示父是谁,没人会完全知道

6. 派遣七十门徒

a. 这对一些人来说可能时机还未成熟
i. 他们不是十二门徒的一部分
ii. 他们的信心只算是“婴孩”,但在职事上却极为有成就
b. 派遣七十门徒是子的决定
i. 这显然得到了父的允许
ii. 祂以极大的成功祝福了这任务
c. 这确实是在圣灵里喜乐的原因!