Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 381

Text: Genesis 49: 22-24


Genesis 49:22-24

22 “Joseph is a fruitful bough,
A fruitful bough by a well;
His branches run over the wall.
23 The archers have bitterly grieved him,
Shot at him and hated him.
24 But his bow remained in strength,
And the arms of his hands were made strong
By the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob
(From there is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel)


1. Jacob now turned his attention to Joseph, his favourite son.

2. Description of Joseph

a. He is fruitful.
b. He is well-watered because of a well that was close by.
c. Like a good tree, its boughs would run over the wall.
i. Walls were erected to protect the trees.
ii. But Joseph’s bough would be so strong it would go beyond the walls.

3. Remembering a sad past

a. He had enemies (archers) who shot at him.
b. This was a reference to the brothers of Joseph (minus Benjamin).

4. The God of Jacob

a. God is described as “mighty”.
b. He was made strong by God Himself.
c. God is also described as a Shepherd.
d. He is further described as the Stone of Israel.
i. Jacob remembered erecting a stone altar to worship God (Genesis 28).
ii. The idea of a “Stone” may be understood as a “Rock”.
e. Jacob was grateful to the LORD for His keeping of Joseph.

经文:创世记 49:22-24


《创世记 49:22-24》



1. 雅各把重点转向他最心爱的儿子,约瑟

2. 形容约瑟

a. 他会多结果
b. 他有充足的浇灌,因为在泉旁
c. 他像健壮的大树一般,枝条探出墙外:
i. 立墙是为了保护大树
ii. 但约瑟的枝条壮得探出墙外

3. 回想悲伤的过去

a. 他曾有仇敌(弓箭手)向他射箭
b. 这指的是约瑟的弟兄们(不包括便雅悯)

4. “雅各的大能者”

a. 上帝被形容为“大能者”
b. 是上帝本身使雅各健壮
c. 上帝也被形容为牧者
d. 祂被进一步地形容为以色列的磐石
i. 雅各记得自己曾用石头立做柱子敬拜上帝《创世记 28》
ii. “磐石”也可被理解为“坚石”
e. 雅各感激上帝保存了约瑟