Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 23

Text: Genesis 4: 13-15


Genesis 4:13-15

13 And Cain said to the LORD, “My punishment is greater than I can bear!
14 Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall be hidden from Your face; I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, and it will happen that anyone who finds me will kill me.”
15 And the LORD said to him, “Therefore, whoever kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” And the LORD set a mark on Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him.


1. Cain’s plea to God

a. This punishment was too great to bear.
b. God’s face would be hidden because of his sin.
c. He would be a fugitive.
d. He would also be a vagabond, moving restlessly from place to place.
e. He feared that he would be hunted down and killed by people.
f. However, this plea was not:
i. A confession of guilt.
ii. It was not an expression of remorse or regret.
iii. He had not asked for forgiveness or pardon.

2. God’s mercy extended

a. God would protect Cain out of His great mercy.
b. He would give him a special “mark”.
i. This may not be a visible mark.
ii. But somehow, people would know that they must not take vengeance on Cain though he had murdered his brother.
c. Anyone who kills Cain would have even more serious Divine judgment on him.
i. That punishment would be sevenfold.
ii. The exact details are not revealed.



《创世记 4:13-15》
13 该隐对耶和华说:“我的刑罚太重,过于我所能当的。
14 你如今赶逐我离开这地,以致不见你面,我必流离飘荡在地上,凡遇见我的必杀我。”

15 耶和华对他说:“凡杀该隐的,必遭报七倍。”耶和华就给该隐立一个记号,免得人遇见他就杀他。


1. 该隐向上帝的恳求

a. 这个刑罚太沉重了
b. 由于他犯了罪,上帝隐藏了祂的面
c. 他必流离在地上
d. 他也必飘荡,四处奔波,居无定所
e. 他感到恐惧因为他认为他会被人追杀
f. 但这个恳求并不是:
i. 他认罪
ii. 他没有悔过他的行为或表示遗憾
iii. 他没有祈求宽恕和原谅

2. 上帝所赐的怜悯

a. 上帝以祂极大的怜悯保护该隐
b. 祂会赐给该隐一个特别的“记号”
i. 这未必是个可见的记号
ii. 这记号让人们知道虽然该隐谋杀他的弟弟,他们不应该向他采取任何报复的行动
c. 任何杀害该隐的人会承受更严重的判决
i. 他的惩罚会是七倍
ii. 详细的内容并没有向世人显明