Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 292

Text: Genesis 37: 15-17


Genesis 37:15-17

15 Now a certain man found him, and there he was, wandering in the field. And the man asked him, saying, “What are you seeking?”
16 So he said, “I am seeking my brothers. Please tell me where they are feeding their flocks.”
17 And the man said, “They have departed from here, for I heard them say, ‘Let us go to Dothan.’ ” So Joseph went after his brothers and found them in Dothan.


1. Joseph’s search for his brothers

a. Quite obviously, he did not know where to find his brothers.
b. He was relatively much younger than his brothers.
c. He was also the favourite son and was probably not sent out as often as his brothers were.
d. He was found “wandering in the field” by a local.
i. He was asked what he was seeking.
ii. He must have appeared quite lost in the land of Shechem.

2. Explanation from Joseph

a. He had come from the valley of Hebron.
b. He was now in Shechem which was about 80 km from his home.
c. He had no idea where to find his brothers for they were not in Shechem obviously.

3. Dothan

a. Dothan was another 19 km away from Shechem.
b. Joseph would have traveled about 100 km from home.
i. He was a dutiful son.
ii. He would obey his father’s word though it must have been hard on him.
c. Joseph finally located his brothers in Dothan.

经文:创世记 37:15-17


《创世记 37:15-17》
15 有人遇见他在田野走迷了路,就问他说:“你找什么?”
16 他说:“我找我的哥哥们,求你告诉我他们在何处放羊。”

17 那人说:“他们已经走了,我听见他们说要往多坍去。”约瑟就去追赶他哥哥们,遇见他们在多坍。


1. 约瑟在寻找他的哥哥们

a. 很明显,他不知道要到哪里找他的哥哥们
b. 他比他的哥哥们年轻得多
c. 他也是最被喜爱的儿子,可能也不像他的哥哥们那样经常被打发
d. 当地人发现他“在田野走迷了路”
i. 被问到他在找什么
ii. 他在示剑之地一定显得迷了路

2. 约瑟的解释

a. 他来自希伯伦谷
b. 他现在就在离家约80公里的示剑
c. 他不知道在哪里可以找到他的哥哥们,因为他们显然不在示剑

3. 多坍

a. 多坍离示剑还有19公里
b. 约瑟离家约100公里
i. 他是一个孝顺的儿子
ii. 尽管这对他来说很艰难,他还会听从父亲的话
c. 约瑟终于在多坍找到了他的哥哥们