Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 278

Text: Genesis 35: 9-10


Genesis 35:9-10

9 Then God appeared to Jacob again, when he came from Padan Aram, and blessed him.
10 And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name.” So He called his name Israel.


1. A review of God’s manifestations to Jacob

a. The first manifestation was when Jacob was fleeing from Esau (Genesis 28).
b. The second manifestation was when he was returning to Canaan from Padan Aram (Genesis 32).
c. God gave Jacob a special blessing.

2. A significant name change

a. Jacob
i. This was the name given by his parents when he was born.
ii. It did not have a great meaning (It meant, “heel grabber”).
iii. Jacob sought to grab Esau’s heel when he stole his birthright and his father’s blessing for the first-born.
iv. His name reflected what he was like before he came to faith in God.
b. Israel
i. This was a name given by the LORD.
ii. It is significant to have a name specially chosen by God.
iii. The name “Israel” carried great significance. God regarded him as “a prince”.
c. The Lord’s blessing was promised to Israel:
i. As an individual.
ii. As a nation.
The Lord had kept His word to Israel all these years, in Padan Aram and also back in Canaan.

经文:创世记 35:9-10


《创世记 35:9-10》



1. 上帝多次向雅各显现

a. 第一次是当雅各在逃避以扫《创世纪 28》
b. 第二次是当他从巴旦亚兰回到迦南《创世纪 32》
c. 上帝给雅各特别的赐福

2. 富有意义的改名

a. 雅各
i. 这是父母在他出世时给他取的名
ii. 这名的意义不重大(意思是“抓住脚跟”)
iii. 雅各在偷去以扫长子的名分与他父亲给长子的祝福 – 有如抓住以扫的脚跟一般
iv. 这名反映着雅各在信靠上帝之前的个性
b. 以色列
i. 这是上帝给他起的名
ii. 这名带有重大的意义,是上帝特别选的
iii. “以色列”带有重大的意义。上帝将他当作王子。
c. 上帝应许赐福于以色列:
i. 在个人层面
ii. 在国家层面