Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 254

Text: Genesis 32: 9-12


Genesis 32:9-12

9 Then Jacob said, “O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, the LORD who said to me, ‘Return to your country and to your family, and I will deal well with you’:
10 I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which You have shown Your servant; for I crossed over this Jordan with my staff, and now I have become two companies.
11 Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come and attack me and the mother with the children.
12 For You said, ‘I will surely treat you well, and make your descendants as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.’”


1. Turning to God in prayer

a. At last, Jacob turned to God in prayer.
b. Initial response was not prayer.

2. Addressing God

a. Jacob prayed very formally.
b. The LORD
i. He was the God of Abraham.
ii. He was also the God of Isaac.
c. Remembering what God had said to him:
i. God instructed him to return to his homeland.
ii. He also gave Jacob a promise that He would deal well with him.

3. A humble but earnest plea to God

a. Grateful remembrance
i. He had only his staff with him when he crossed the Jordan River.
ii. He was now returning with two companies of flocks, herds and camels.
iii. He also had a family and many servants.
b. Seeking deliverance
i. He feared Esau immensely.
ii. He feared that Esau would attack his family especially.
c. Pleading the promises of God given
i. God had promised to treat Jacob well and to bless his descendants.
ii. He asked the Lord to remember and to fulfil His promises given to Jacob.

经文:创世记 32: 9-12


《创世记 32: 9-12》
9 雅各说:“耶和华我祖亚伯拉罕的神,我父亲以撒的神啊,你曾对我说:‘回你本地本族去,我要厚待你。’
10 你向仆人所施的一切慈爱和诚实,我一点也不配得。我先前只拿着我的杖过这约旦河,如今我却成了两队了。
11 求你救我脱离我哥哥以扫的手,因为我怕他来杀我,连妻子带儿女一同杀了。

12 你曾说:‘我必定厚待你,使你的后裔如同海边的沙,多得不可胜数。’”


1. 向上帝祷告

a. 雅各终于向上帝祷告
b. 他最初的反应不是祷告

2. 称呼上帝

a. 雅各正式地祈祷
b. 上帝
i. 祂是亚伯拉罕的神
ii. 祂也是以撒的神
c. 记住上帝对他说的话:
i. 上帝指示他回返家园
ii. 祂还给雅各一个承诺,说祂会厚待他


a. 感恩的回忆
i. 当他过约旦河时,他先前只拿着他的杖
ii. 他现在带着两队的羊,牧群和骆驼一起返回
iii. 他还有一个家庭和许多仆人
b. 寻求解脱
i. 他非常惧怕以扫
ii. 他担心以扫会特意袭击他的家人
c. 恳求上帝的应许
i. 上帝应许要厚待雅各并祝福他的后代
ii. 他要求上帝记得并履行祂所给雅各的应许