Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 246

Text: Genesis 31: 38-40


Genesis 31:38-40

38 These twenty years I have been with you; your ewes and your female goats have not miscarried their young, and I have not eaten the rams of your flock.
39 That which was torn by beasts I did not bring to you; I bore the loss of it. You required it from my hand, whether stolen by day or stolen by night.
40 There I was! In the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night, and my sleep departed from my eyes.


1. Review of how Jacob had served Laban

a. He had served Laban for twenty long years.
b. That was a very long period of time.

2. Care of the flocks

a. Two groups were mentioned:
i. The sheep
ii. The goats
b. No ewe or female goats ever miscarried. That was quite a feat!

3. No abuse of trust

Jacob had never killed one of the rams for food. Even if he did, Laban would never have known. But Jacob was a man of integrity and he would never abuse the trust given.

4. Torn by beasts

a. Being a shepherd was a thankless job.
b. Wild beasts were sometimes successful in killing a sheep or a goat.
It could have been on the watch of other hired servants.
c. However, Jacob always made good any loss suffered.

5. Sheep or goats stolen

Laban demanded payment for any loss!

6. Faithfulness despite difficulties

It was freezing at night, and as hot as drought season in the day. There were sleepless nights. Jacob bravely and faithfully fulfilled what was demanded of him.

经文:创世记 31:38-40


《创世记 31:38-40》
38 我在你家这二十年,你的母绵羊、母山羊没有掉过胎。你群中的公羊,我没有吃过。
39 被野兽撕裂的,我没有带来给你,是我自己赔上。无论是白日,是黑夜,被偷去的,你都向我索要。

40 我白日受尽干热,黑夜受尽寒霜,不得合眼睡着,我常是这样。


1. 回顾雅各如何服侍拉班

a. 他服侍拉班二十年了
b. 这是很长的一段时间

2. 看顾羊群

a. 有两组:
i. 绵羊
ii. 公羊
b. 母山羊没有掉过胎!那真是一个壮举!

3. 不滥用信任


4. 被野兽撕裂的

a. 没有人会感谢一个牧人
b. 有时野兽会把绵羊或公羊撕裂
c. 可是雅各都会赔上所有的损失

5. 绵羊或山羊被偷


6. 在困难中保持忠诚
