Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 238

Text: Genesis 31: 14-16


Genesis 31:14-16

14 Then Rachel and Leah answered and said to him, “Is there still any portion or inheritance for us in our father’s house?
15 Are we not considered strangers by him? For he has sold us, and also completely consumed our money.
16 For all these riches which God has taken from our father are really ours and our children’s; now then, whatever God has said to you, do it.”


1. The response of Rachel and Leah

a. They heard what Jacob had shared with them.
i. God’s protection was obvious.
ii. God’s provision was just as real.
b. The opinion of Rachel and Leah concerning their father.
i. They would have no inheritance from their father.
ii. Laban had treated them as if they were strangers rather than daughters.
iii. He had consumed what had been their money (their inheritance..
iv. He had “sold” them away though they were his daughters.

2. The wealth that Jacob had

a. They acknowledged that God was involved.
b. God’s involvement:
i. He had taken away whatever riches Laban may seem to have.
ii. He had taken that wealth and given that to Jacob.
c. Family wealth:
i. This was the view of Rachel and Leah.
ii. They were entitled to their father’s wealth as much as their brothers.
iii. Their children deserved to be given a portion of the family wealth.

3. Full support for Jacob’s decision to obey the word of God was given by Rachel and Leah.

经文:创世记 31:14-16


《创世记 31:14-16》
14 拉结和利亚回答雅各说:“在我们父亲的家里还有我们可得的份吗?还有我们的产业吗?
15 我们不是被他当做外人吗?因为他卖了我们,吞了我们的价值。

16 神从我们父亲所夺出来的一切财物,那就是我们和我们孩子们的。现今凡神所吩咐你的,你只管去行吧。”


1. 拉结和利亚的回应

a. 她们听了雅各和她们分享的
i. 上帝的保守与看顾是非常明显的
ii. 上帝的供应也是真实的
b. 拉结和利亚对父亲的看法
i. 她们在父亲的家里不会得到产业
ii. 拉班把女儿当成外人看待
iii. 他吞了她们的价值(她们的产业)
iv. 虽然是他的女儿,他却把她们“卖了”

2. 雅各拥有的财富

a. 她们承认上帝参与其中
b. 上帝的参与
i. 祂夺了拉班一切的财物
ii. 祂把那财富夺去,给了雅各
c. 家庭的财富
i. 这是拉结和利亚的看法
ii. 她们和兄弟同样有权享有父亲的财产
iii. 她们的孩子也有权领受得到一份财产

3. 雅各选择遵守上帝的话,拉结和利亚也完全地支持他。