Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 188

Text: Genesis 27: 11-12


Genesis 27:11-12

11 And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, “Look, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth-skinned man.
12 Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be a deceiver to him; and I shall bring a curse on myself and not a blessing.”


1. Jacob’s response

a. He should have said “No!”
b. He was open to what Rebekah had said to him.

2. Jacob’s worry

a. He was sharp.
b. He noted one important physical difference.
i. Esau was a hairy man.
ii. Jacob was a smooth-skinned man.

3. Jacob’s perception of Isaac

a. He may be nearly blind and thus cannot see well.
b. But Isaac was still mentally alert.

4. What if Isaac were to feel Jacob?

a. He would immediately know that he was not Esau.
b. He would know that Jacob stood before him.
c. Isaac would then deem Jacob to be a deceiver.

5. The fear of a curse from Isaac

a. Isaac could give a blessing.
b. He could also give a curse.
c. Jacob was not going to risk being cursed by his father.
d. The risk seemed too high.

经文:创世记 27:11-12


《创世记 27:11-12》
11雅各对他母亲利百加说:“我哥哥以扫浑身是有毛的,我身上是光滑 的。



1. 雅各的反应

a. 他应该说“不!”
b. 但他却愿意考虑利百加的提议

2. 雅各的担忧

a. 他非常敏锐
b. 他留意到自己和哥哥身体上的一个重要区别
i. 以扫浑身是有毛的
ii. 雅各身上是光滑的

3. 雅各对以撒的看法

a. 他或许眼睛昏花所以看不清
b. 不过以撒的神智还是很敏锐的

4. 万一以撒摸着雅各呢?

a. 他马上就会知道他不是以扫
b. 他将会发现站在他面前的是雅各
c. 以撒会因此把雅各定为欺哄人的

5. 招以撒诅咒的恐惧

a. 以撒可以给予祝福
b. 但他也可以诅咒
c. 雅各不会冒险招他的父亲诅咒
d. 这风险似乎太大了