Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 146

Text: Genesis 24: 10-11


Genesis 24:10-11

10 Then the servant took ten of his master’s camels and departed, for all his master’s goods were in his hand. And he arose and went to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor.
11 And he made his camels kneel down outside the city by a well of water at evening time, the time when women go out to draw water.


1. The trusted chief steward

We will catch a glimpse of why Abraham trusted his old servant so much.

a. He showed prudence in planning a caravan of 10 camels (with drivers).
i. It was dangerous to travel without a caravan accompanying.
ii. He would have ten or more camel drivers with him.
Abraham had a small fighting force among his servants (Genesis 14:14).
b. He showed his knowledge in geography:
i. He knew where Mesopotamia was located.
ii. He planned to visit with Abraham’s brother, Nahor.
c. He showed social skills.
i. Gifts must be carefully planned.
ii. These must also be protected.

2. Reaching Mesopotamia

a. Perseverance was shown in this long journey.
b. Faithfulness enabled him to stay the course.

3. He showed kindness to the train of camels he brought with him

a. He called for a short break from their travels.
b. The camels could do with this break from traveling.

经文:创世记 24:10-11


《创世记 24:10-11》
10 那仆人从他主人的骆驼里取了十匹骆驼,并带些他主人各样的财物,起身往美索不达米亚去,到了拿鹤的城。

11 天将晚,众女子出来打水的时候,他便叫骆驼跪在城外的水井那里。


1. 值得信赖的总管家


a. 他审慎地安排了由十匹骆驼(与骑士)组成的队伍
i. 旅途中没有队伍陪同是危险的
ii. 他有至少十个骆驼骑士同行
亚伯拉罕有一小群家里生养的精练壮丁 《创世记 14:14》

b. 他表现出了自己的地理知识
i. 他知道美索不达米亚的地理位置
ii. 他计划去拜访亚伯拉罕的兄弟拿鹤
c. 他表现出社交能力
i. 礼物是必须精心计划的
ii. 礼物也必须好好保护

2. 到达美索不达米亚

a. 仆人在这漫长的旅程中表现出了毅力
b. 他的忠诚使他能够坚持到底

3. 他恩待一路上同行的这群骆驼

a. 他要求让骆驼在旅途中小歇
b. 这些骆驼在长途旅程中需要休息