Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 85

Text: Genesis 17: 3-5


Genesis 17:3-5

3 Then Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying:
4 “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations.
5 No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations.


1. The response of Abram when God spoke to him

a. He expressed deep humility.
b. He fell on his face in prostration.
c. He must have understood even more that God Almighty was speaking to him.

2. God’s further word to Abram

a. God’s covenant (Genesis 15)
i. This covenant was still intact.
ii. Even though Abram was not blameless.
iii. He was going to change his name.
b. Name change
i. His original name was “Abram” which meant “high father”.
ii. His new name would be “Abraham” which means “a father of many nations”.
c. The reason for this new name
i. To signify what God would do for Abraham.
ii. He would bless him most significantly.
iii. From Abraham many nations would come.
iv. It would take faith to believe what God had said to him.

经文:创世记 17:3-5


《创世记 17:3-5》
3 亚伯兰俯伏在地,神又对他说:
4 “我与你立约:你要做多国的父。

5 从此以后,你的名不再叫亚伯兰,要叫亚伯拉罕,因为我已立你做多国的父。


1. 当上帝对亚伯兰说话时,他的回应

a. 他表达了深深的谦卑
b. 他俯伏在地
c. 他一定更了解全能的神在对他说话

2. 上帝又对亚伯兰说

a. 上帝的约《创世记 15》
i. 这个约仍然完好无损
ii. 即使亚伯兰并非无罪
iii. 祂将要更改他的名
b. 更名
i. 他的原名是“亚伯兰”,意思是“高父”
ii. 他的新名将是“亚伯拉罕” ,意思是 “多国的父”
c. 拥有新名称的原因
i. 表示上帝会为亚伯拉罕做的事
ii. 祂将大大地赐福于他
iii. 许多国家将从亚伯拉罕而来
iv. 要相信上帝对他说的话,需要有真实的信心