Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 80

Text: Genesis 16: 7-8


Genesis 16:7-8

7 Now the Angel of the LORD found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, by the spring on the way to Shur.
8 And He said, “Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where have you come from, and where are you going?” She said, “I am fleeing from the presence of my mistress Sarai.”


1. Hagar’s flight from Sarai

a. That was an unwise decision.
b. She would place herself in danger.
i. She would have no funds.
ii. She would not have any shelter.
iii. She could be easily abducted because she was all alone.

2. The Angel of the LORD

a. The word “angel” means “a messenger”.
b. This particular Angel was sent by the LORD God to help Hagar.
c. He found her by a spring on the road to Shur.
d. She was heading for her homeland in Egypt.

3. The conversation between the Angel of the LORD and Hagar

a. The Angel of the LORD obviously knew her.
i. He called her by her name, Hagar.
ii. He knew that she was a maid of Sarai.
iii. He asked her where she was going.
b. The response of Hagar
i. She replied honestly that she was fleeing from Sarai, her mistress.
ii. She did not elaborate as to why she had fled.
iii. The danger was obvious. Shur was a long way from Egypt.
iv. To continue on this journey would result in death for her and her unborn baby.

经文:创世记 16:7-8


《创世记 16:7-8》



1. 夏甲逃离撒莱

a. 这是个不明智的决定
b. 她让自己陷入危机
i. 她不会有足够的金钱
ii. 她不会有地方住
iii. 因为她独自一人,别人能够轻易的把她拐走

2. 上帝的使者

a. “使者”指的是 “所差遣的”
b. 这使者是差来帮助夏甲的
c. 上帝的使者在旷野书珥路上的水泉旁遇见她
d. 她正往回她在埃及的家乡

3. 上帝的使者和夏甲的对话

a. 上帝的使者当然认识她
i. 祂以她的名字“夏甲”称呼她
ii. 祂知道她是撒莱的使女
iii. 祂问夏甲她往哪里去
b. 夏甲的回应
i. 她回答说她正逃离她的主母撒莱
ii. 她并没解释她为什么会逃走
iii. 她的路程非常危险。更何况,书珥离埃及很远。
iv. 若她继续她的路程,她与她未出世的婴孩会丧命。