Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 32

Text: Exodus 5: 6-9


Exodus 5:6-9

6 So the same day Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters of the people and their officers, saying,
7 “You shall no longer give the people straw to make brick as before. Let them go and gather straw for themselves.
8 And you shall lay on them the quota of bricks which they made before. You shall not reduce it. For they are idle; therefore they cry out, saying, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to our God.’
9 Let more work be laid on the men, that they may labour in it, and let them not regard false words.”


1. The command of the Pharaoh

a. Given to the taskmasters (supervisors).
b. Officers (higher level than the supervisors)

2. Quota of bricks

a. This must be fulfilled.
b. In the past, the Egyptians supplied the straw to make bricks.
c. Straw would no longer be provided.
d. The Hebrew slaves must look for straw and still fulfil their quota.

3. Reason for this harsher law

a. Pharaoh charged them for being “idle”.
b. They had so much “free time” that they want to take leave for worship.

4. More work

a. Seeking straw would be additional work.
b. Fulfilling the usual quota would be very difficult.
c. More work would be added besides the above.
d. This is to prevent them from listening to “false words”.
Pharaoh was going to resist Moses and Aaron in the hardest ways possible!

经文:出埃及记 5:6-9


《出埃及记 5:6-9》
6 当天,法老吩咐督工的和官长说:
7 “你们不可照常把草给百姓做砖,叫他们自己去捡草。
8 他们素常做砖的数目,你们仍旧向他们要,一点不可减少。因为他们是懒惰的,所以呼求说:‘容我们去祭祀我们的神。’

9 你们要把更重的工夫加在这些人身上,叫他们劳碌,不听虚谎的言语。”


1. 法老的命令

a. 给予督工的 (监督的)
b. 给予官长(比督工的职位更高)

2. 做砖的数目

a. 这必须完成
b. 以往,埃及人会提供做砖的草
c. 现在他们不会照样把草给他们
d. 希伯来奴隶要自己捡草,还要完成同<样的数目

3. 更严格法律的原因

a. 法老说他们“懒惰”
b. 以色列人有太多“闲空的时间”竟然请求去祭祀

4. 更多的工作

a. 捡草是额外的工作
b. 要完成同样的数目会很艰难
c. 还会有更重的工夫加在他们身上
d. 这是为了防止他们听“虚谎的言语”