Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 241

Text: Exodus 34: 10


Exodus 34:10

10 And He said: “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the LORD. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you.


1. The making of a covenant

a. This was already established.
i. Book of the Covenant Exodus 24:7
ii. Blood of the Covenant Exodus 24:8
b. This took place in Mount Sinai.
i. Moses and Aaron were there.
ii. Seventy elders were there too (representing Israel).
c. This was to confirm the established Covenant.
i. So that Israel may know that the relationship had not been broken.
ii. Israel was still God’s people.
iii. Moses was afraid that God would sever His ties with Israel.
iv. Israel would only have itself to blame if that ever happened.

2. Marvels that God would perform

a. New miracles were promised.
b. Things that had not been done before.
c. Things not seen by other nations.

3. A special work of the LORD

a. All the miracles performed in the past may indeed be described as “awesome”.
b. These promised works would be in the “awesome” category.
c. Israel may be assured that God’s power had not been exhausted.

4. The problem lay with the children of Israel

a. Sin had blinded them.
b. Stubbornness had caused the heart to be unappreciative.
c. Unbelief had affected them adversely.

经文:出埃及记 34:10


《出埃及记 34:10》



1. 立约

a. 这约已经建立了
i. 约书《出埃及记 24:7》
ii. 立约的血 《出埃及记 24:8》
b. 这是在西奈山进行的
i. 摩西和亚伦当时在那
ii. 七十位长老也在(代表以色列)
c. 这是为了肯定建立的约
i. 让以色列知道关系并没破裂
ii. 以色列还是上帝的子民
iii. 摩西害怕上帝会与以色列断绝关系
iv. 如果这确实发生,也只能怪以色列

2. 上帝会行奇妙的事

a. 新的奇迹
b. 未曾行的
c. 万国也未曾见过的

3. 上帝特别的工作

a. 以前所行的奇迹可视为“可畏惧”的
b. 这些承诺的事也会属于“可畏惧”
c. 以色列可以确信上帝的能力没有耗尽

4. 问题出在以色列百姓的身上

a. 罪恶使他们看不见
b. 固执让他们的心不知感恩
c. 不信已对他们产生不利的影响