Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 240

Text: Exodus 34: 8-9


Exodus 34:8-9

8 So Moses made haste and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshiped.
9 Then he said, “If now I have found grace in Your sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray, go among us, even though we are a stiff-necked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Your inheritance.”


1. Appropriate humility before God

a. To bow the head before God.
b. In this instance, Moses prostrated himself to the earth.
c. He offered humble worship to God.
i. He acknowledged the greatness of God.
ii. He recognized personal unworthiness before the Lord.

2. Prayer of Moses

a. Appealing the grace of God.
i. If God had indeed promised grace.
ii. He asked that this grace be applied.
b. Appeal that God might be with His people.
i. As He had promised.
ii. Moses was asking for confirmation of God’s promise of grace.
c. Appropriate confession of the sinful state of Israel.
i. Israel was a stiff-necked people.
ii. Iniquity and sin had been committed.
iii. Asking for Pardon from God.
d. A profound request to God.
i. That God would take Israel as His inheritance.
ii. Even though Israel was stubborn, sinful and full of iniquity.

经文:出埃及记 34:8-9


《出埃及记 34:8-9》



1. 对上帝应有的谦卑

a. 伏地下拜
b. 这一刻,摩西俯伏在地
c. 他向上帝献上谦卑的敬拜
i. 他承认上帝的伟大
ii. 他承认自己在上帝面前的不配

2. 摩西的祷告

a. 请求上帝的蒙恩
i. 如果上帝的确承诺了恩典
ii. 他祈求得到这恩典
b. 请求上帝与祂的百姓同行
i. 正如祂所应许的
ii. 摩西是在祈求上帝承诺恩典的肯定
c. 适当地承认以色列的罪恶
i. 以色列的百姓硬着颈项
ii. 已犯了罪孽和罪恶
iii. 祈求上帝的赦免
d. 对上帝深奥的祈求
i. 让上帝将以色列视为祂的产业
ii. 虽然以色列百姓固执,有罪,又充满罪孽