Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 229

Text: Exodus 33: 7-8


Exodus 33:7-8

7 Moses took his tent and pitched it outside the camp, far from the camp, and called it the tabernacle of meeting. And it came to pass that everyone who sought the LORD went out to the tabernacle of meeting which was outside the camp.
8 So it was, whenever Moses went out to the tabernacle, that all the people rose, and each man stood at his tent door and watched Moses until he had gone into the tabernacle.


1. The personal tent of Moses

a. Each family had its own tent.
b. Moses had understood what God meant when He expressed His displeasure.
c. What God was displeased with:
i. The children of Israel went on with life as if things were normal.
ii. God had to actually instruct the people to remove their ornaments!
iii. There was no sensitivity to what the Lord had said and meant.
d. Some reasons why Moses moved his tent far away, outside the main camp:
i. To show that he was distancing himself from the stiff-necked people who showed no sense of sorrow over the deaths of so many!
ii. His tent was the temporary “Tent of meeting” before the erection of the Tabernacle.
iii. This moving away from the main camp was of symbolic significance.

2. Seeking the LORD

a. Those who needed to inquire of the Lord would need to go outside the main camp.
b. The Tent of Meeting would be where Moses had set up his personal tent.

3. Some respect gained

a. There were some who did not regard Moses well:
i. They were dismissive
ii. There was little appreciation or respect given though he had been the leader whom God had empowered.
b. New respect was now given to Moses.
i. When he was outside his tent, people who saw him arose and stood, to show regard for his presence.
ii. They would stand at attention till he entered into the Tent of Meeting.

经文:出埃及记 33:7-8


7 摩西素常将帐篷支搭在营外,离营却远,他称这帐篷为会幕。凡求问耶和华的,就到营外的会幕那里去。

8 当摩西出营到会幕去的时候,百姓就都起来,各人站在自己帐篷的门口,望着摩西,直等到他进了会幕。


1. 摩西的个人帐篷

a. 每个家庭都有自己的帐篷
b. 当上帝显露祂的不悦时,摩西明白祂的用意
c. 上帝不悦的是:
i. 以色列人继续若无其事地过着生活
ii. 上帝必须指示百姓摘下他们的装饰!
iii. 他们丝毫没有顾及到主所说的话和意思
d. 摩西把帐篷搭在营外,离营却远的一些原因:
i. 表明他要与这些硬着颈项,对这么多人死亡却毫无悲痛之情的百姓保持距离!
ii. 他的帐篷是搭建帐幕前的临时“会幕”
iii. 离开到营外具有象征意义

2. 寻求上帝

a. 那些需要求问主的人需要出营
b. 会幕将是摩西搭建个人帐篷的地方

3. 取得一些尊重

a. 有些人不看好摩西:
i. 他们不屑一顾
ii. 虽然摩西是上帝赋予权力的领袖,但他获得了甚少的赞赏或尊重
b. 摩西如今获得了全新的尊重
i. 当他在帐篷外时,看到他的人都站立起来,以表示对他的尊重
ii. 他们会一直立正,直等到他进了会幕