Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 17

Text: Exodus 3: 13


Exodus 3:13

13 Then Moses said to God, “Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?”


1. Doubts are not easy to get rid of

a. Doubts tend to cluster together.
b. Doubts do not go away easily.
c. Even if an answer is given to one doubt, another doubt would come up all too quickly.

2. Willingness to obey

a. Moses considered what could happen if he were to go to Egypt.
i. He could imagine speaking to the children of Israel.
ii. He could say that God had sent him to lead them out of Egypt.
b. He also considered one major problem that he could face.
i. He knew that the children of Israel would question him.
ii. What if they were to ask “What is His (God’s) name?”
c. The name of God.
i. This represents who God is.
ii. Knowledge of God’s name is not having a vague knowledge of the Lord.
d. Moses did not have the answer.
i. He did not know God very well.
ii.In fact, he had just gotten to know God in this personal manner just a while ago!
e. Moses was doubtful that a man who does not have a deep knowledge of God would be a good and effective leader. This was a great doubt that caused Moses to feel a tremendous lack of conviction that he could be sent by God for this task!

经文:出埃及记 3:13


《出埃及记 3:13》



1. 疑惑是不容易被处理的

a. 疑惑常常聚集在一起
b. 疑惑不轻易消失
c. 就算一个疑惑得到解答,另一个疑惑会很快地出现

2. 愿意服从

a. 摩西考虑到他到埃及以后会发生什么事
i. 他能想象和以色列人说话
ii. 他可以说是上帝打法他领他们出埃及
b. 他也考虑到自己可能会遇到的大问题
i. 他知道以色列人会质问他
ii. 万一他们问“他(上帝)叫什么名字?”
c. 上帝的名字
i. 这代表上帝是谁
ii. 理解上帝的名字表示对上帝的理解不含糊
d. 摩西并没有答案
i. 他不是很理解上帝
ii. 事实上,他才刚刚以个人的方式认识上帝!
e. 摩西认为一个对上帝没有很深沉的理解的人不会是一个有效的好领导人。这个大的疑惑让摩西对自己被上帝差遣去执行这项任务感到极度缺乏信念!