Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 167

Text: Exodus 24: 9-11


Exodus 24:9-11

9 Then Moses went up, also Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel,
10 and they saw the God of Israel. And there was under His feet as it were a paved work of sapphire stone, and it was like the very heavens in its clarity.
11 But on the nobles of the children of Israel He did not lay His hand. So they saw God, and they ate and drank.


1. A special group of worshippers

a. Moses
He was the special servant of God who led Israel out of Egypt. He remained the undisputed leader.
b. Aaron and his two sons, Nadab and Abihu
They represented the priesthood. They would attend to the religious needs of the children of Israel.
c. The Seventy Elders
They were the tribal leaders who represented the 12 tribes that made up Israel.

2. A special manifestation of God

a. This group of worshippers “saw God”.
b. A description followed:
i. A paved ground of sapphire stone.
ii. It was as blue as the heavens in its clarity.
c. They did not actually see the Person of God, since He is Spirit.

3. The significance of this sight

a. It had a very special spiritual significance.
b. It confirmed the existence of an invisible God.
c. It showed the might and majesty of the Lord.
d. It showed the leaders that God was truly with them.

4. The term “nobles”

a. The people mentioned here were called “nobles”.
b. This term honoured them for they were blessed indeed to be given this manifestation of the LORD.

5. The laying on of God’s hands

a. This represents the conferring of special authority.
b. These “nobles” were not given special divine authority.
c. The only person who had been given special authority was Moses.

6. A special time of fellowship

a. The worship concluded with a special feast.
b. The nobles had fellowship over a meal (“they ate and drank”).

It was an awesome event! This special manifestation of God was meant to impact the lives of all the people who were invited to go up the mountain for worship and fellowship!

经文:出埃及记 24:9-11


《出埃及记 24: 9-11》
9 摩西、亚伦、拿答、亚比户,并以色列长老中的七十人,都上了山。
10 他们看见以色列的神,他脚下仿佛有平铺的蓝宝石,如同天色明净。

11 他的手不加害在以色列的尊者身上。他们观看神,他们又吃又喝。


1. 一群特别的信徒

a. 摩西
b. 亚伦和他的两个儿子,拿答和亚比户
c. 七十个长老

2. 上帝的特别显现

a. 这群信徒“看见了上帝”
b. 描述如下:
i. 一片蓝宝石平铺的地面
ii. 如同天色明净
c. 因为上帝是圣灵的,所以他们实际上没有看到上帝

3. 这种景象的意义

a. 它具有非常特殊的属灵意义
b. 它证实了一个看不见的上帝的存在
c. 它显示了主的威严和荣耀
d. 向领袖表明上帝与他们同在

4. “尊者”一词

a. 这里提到的人被称为“尊者”
b. 这词带给他们荣耀,因为他们确实因得到上帝的显现而蒙福

5. 上帝的手不加害

a. 这代表赋予特别权力
b. 这些“尊者”没有得到神圣的特殊授权
c. 唯一被赋予特殊权力的人是摩西

6. 特殊的团契时间

a. 敬拜以特别的盛宴结束
b. 尊者在进餐时有团契(“他们吃和喝”)
