Daily Devotions


Day 274

Yet Another Reference to the Scriptures

Text: Matthew 21 : 23 - 46

If only the chief priests and elders had spent time studying the Scriptures! They would have been far better off! Time and again Jesus pointed them to the Scriptures, but to little avail! They stuck to their oral traditions and their books. There was only lip-service paid to the Scriptures. Jesus, undaunted , continued to cite the Scriptures, for they were life to Him.

“Jesus said to them, ‘Have you never read in the Scriptures:
‘The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.
This was the Lord’s doing,
And it is marvelous in our eyes’? ”


The text that Jesus cited came from the Book of Psalms. This psalm was written anonymously. The general contents of Psalm 118 do not suggest a Messianic context or application. Nevertheless, this text, unless seen in this special context in which Jesus applied it, would make very little sense to the casual reader.

1. Purpose of pointing to the Scriptures

What was the purpose of pointing to the Scriptures? A few things may be suggested:-

a) The need to be more familiar with the Scriptures

This was one of the things that Jesus must have hinted at! The general lack of knowledge of the Scriptures was appalling! If only the Scriptures were better read and better understood, things would not have come to this state of affairs!

b) The need to emphasise the authority of the Scriptures

Did the chief priests and elders really wish to know the source of authority behind Jesus? If they had known the Scriptures better, they would have realized that His life and ministry were prophesied and duly recorded in the holy writ!

c) The challenge to grapple with the Scriptures

The subtle challenge was there. Every appeal to the Scriptures constitutes a challenge to grapple with the truth found in them!

2. A Difficult Text

Jesus did not purposely cite a difficult text. It just so happened that this text fitted so well within the context Jesus found Himself in.

a) He was that Stone rejected by the chief priests and elders

Jesus knew the real score. The chief priests and elders had rejected Him outright. Yet, what did their rejection amount to? Absolutely nothing! Their rejection of Jesus did not mean a thing in God’s overall plan!

b) He was destined to be the chief cornerstone

Jesus saw Himself as the chief cornerstone! Rejected by men, but destined by God for greatness! What was His place in the great scheme of things? Jesus would take pride of place! He would be the chief cornerstone!

3. An Appeal to fathom God’s hand in life

The chief priests and elders had not factored in God much! They may have held lofty religious offices, and they may even play leading roles in the nation, but God did not feature prominently in their lives at all.

a) The rejection of The Stone

The rejection of Jesus was foreseen and allowed by God! Thus Jesus was able to accept their rejection.

b) The exaltation of The Rejected Stone to Chief cornerstone

In God’s plan of redemption, Jesus’ role would be central! That plan was revealed here in this prophetic text!

c) All God’s doing

It was important that the chief priests and elders hear these words from Jesus Himself. They had now been forewarned! God’s hand was involved. To those who possessed faith and discernment, God’s plan was always flawlessly beautiful!


Did the chief priests and elders understand and accept this teaching of Jesus? The answer to that may well lie in the following text.

“Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be
taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.
And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever
it falls, it will grind him to powder.”

Did the chief priests and elders comprehend this statement that Jesus made? The response of these religious leaders in the following text would indicate that they comprehended Him. If they could, they would have arrested Jesus there and then!

“But when the chief priests and Pharisees heard His parables,
they perceived that He was speaking of them. But when they
sought to lay hands on Him, they feared the multitudes, because
they took Him for a prophet.”
MATTHEW 21:45-46