Daily Devotions


Day 192

Words! Words! Words!

Text: Matthew 12 : 22 - 37

The teachings of Jesus must have caused many to be very uncomfortable. He presented a very solemn and serious appraisal of the words that the Pharisees spoke against Him. Many had attempted to hide the intents of their hearts by carefully chosen words. People veiled their attacks by using various ways to camouflage their intentions.

1. Criticism is veiled as Opinions

Many express their opinions freely when they in fact mean to criticize! In the name of “free speech” people hurl verbal invectives designed to hurt and destroy.

2. Condemnation is veiled as Cautionary Words

Many have judgmental hearts! They have already reached their conclusions on matters, but in order to appear as fair-minded people they speak of giving cautionary words.


The Pharisees used words to advance their causes. Being highly educated, they took advantage of their ability to use words as only those who are learned know how. They must have figured that Jesus could not see through their words. They were sadly mistaken. Jesus saw through their ill-concealed plans! He knew exactly what they were trying to do! They were attempting to poison the hearts and minds of the multitudes by making subtle and snide remarks against Jesus and His ministry. Where they could not beat Him in public debate, they were now trying to destroy His ministry by creating doubts in the minds of the general public. Jesus had to add a final word of warning against engaging in such evil tactics.

“But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak,
they will give account of it in the day of judgment.”

Had the Pharisees factored in this account? They believed in the afterlife! Or at least their statement of faith stated so. Did they know these facts about how they would be judged?

1. Sins Judged!

This was a truth that the Pharisees professed to believe in. For this reason they tried to keep away from sinful people lest they become contaminated by their sins! Yet inexplicably, they were guilty of the worst of sins! They were blaspheming Jesus! They were despising the Word that Jesus taught. Did they not know that they were in fact sinning against the Holy Spirit too! The Pharisees appeared to be blind to their own faults. Or they had become so self-righteous and hardened in their hearts they couldn’t care less!

2. Accountable for idle words!

This statement of Jesus must have caught them by surprise! What a frightening thought! Would God judge them for every word they said? Would this thought cause them to think twice before they launched their next tirade against Jesus?


Did the Jews feel that Jesus was condemning them? Would He have the right to judge them so harshly? Jesus did not have to judge them at all. Their words and their actions would be their judges!

“For by your words you will be justified,
and by your words you will be condemned.”

Let us picture this scene. It is the Day of Judgment. The Pharisees stand before the Great Judge! How would He judge them?

1. Their words against Jesus would be brought up as evidence

What had they said against Jesus? The evidence would be presented to them.

“But the Pharisees said, ‘He casts out demons by
the ruler of the demons.'”

“Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This
fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub,
the ruler of the demons.’ ”

2. What good words had they ever said about Jesus?

The Pharisees had never spoken a good word about Jesus. Matthew recorded what Jesus said at one of His appraisals of His hearers.

“For John came neither eating nor drinking, and
they say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came
eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton
and a winebibber, a friend of tax-collectors and sinners!'”
MATTHEW 11:18-19

3. Justified or condemned?

As they stand before the Lord on that fearful Day of Judgment, all the words spoken would either justify or condemn them. Even if other deeds are not brought up against them, their ill-intentioned words would be held against them!

How would the accused plead before God the Righteous Judge in the Day of Judgment? Let us take heed of the “idle words” that we speak! They are being noted!